The aim of the EARTH programme is to encourage collaboration and exchange on the dynamics of non-industrial agriculture. Our central goal is to understand humans in action, investigating their knowledge, skills, perceptions and experiences, seeking patterns and tendencies from the Neolithic period to the beginning of industrial-scale agriculture. The co-chairs, teams, co-ordinator and steering committee members come from a wide variety of disciplines in the humanities, and often use methods from the life and earth sciences. The coming together of this great range of perspectives, expertise and knowledge at a European level will allow participants to contrast and combine approaches, and contribute to developing the all-important ’dynamic interface’ between these disciplines. This integrative approach is a response to what we believe is a significant need in research and education at this time. It also aims to produce more effective means of interpreting, recording and communicating, particularly through highlighting the importance of the social and cultural context in explaining the processes of agricultural practice.
A Summer school will take place in Proaza, Asturias, Spain, 18 - 25 August 2008. The call for application is CLOSED
Five years from 1 July 2004 until 31 December 2009