Interdisciplinary Tropospheric Research: from the Laboratory to Global Change (INTROP)

INTROP Exchange visits [CLOSED]

The ESF programme "INTROP: Interdisciplinary Tropospheric Research: From the Laboratory to Global Change" is offering a number of Exchange Grants to scientists wishing to initiate or to further develop a joint project related to INTROP activities. The programme aims to bring together scientists from various disciplines, addressing aspects of Atmospheric Chemistry.

Activities addressing one of the following topics are particularly welcome:

  • Can we predict the atmospheric fate of novel complex pollutants?

An "environmentally friendly" approach requires that the fate of novel chemical compounds in the atmosphere is assessed before they are released into the environment. However, the scientific basis for such assessments is not always as sound as one would wish, especially when the fate of very complex compounds such as aromatic hydrocarbons, multifunctional oxygenates, etc. is considered.

  • Do we understand the impact of aerosols on global change?

The atmosphere is not purely homogeneous, but contains condensed matter in the form of liquid and solid particles. Epidemiological studies have revealed that aerosol particles with diameters less than 10 μm, 2.5 μm (PM10; PM2.5), or smaller represent an important health hazard. In addition, heterogeneous chemistry on aerosol particles and its impact on air quality as well as particle composition are far from being well understood, and large uncertainties are associated with the climate forcings exerted by different types of atmospheric aerosols.

  • Can we understand and predict atmospheric composition change by models?

Due to the complexity of the Earth system, the unique tool for studying long-range – long-term atmospheric composition change is numerical simulation. Inclusion of the complete set of known chemical reactions and multiphase interactions in chemistry-transport-models (CTMs) is prohibited by computing time limitations, and mechanism reduction is unavoidable. However, scientifically sound reduction procedures need as a basis the “complete” mechanism and associated rate parameters which are not yet available.

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Criteria for Eligibility

INTROP Exchange Grants are intended to initiate or strengthen links between different research groups. Grants are intended to cover travel and subsistence costs, and will not be awarded to fund work of an applicant at an institute to which he or she is already affiliated.  

  1. Duration of exchange visits: up to 6 months (minimum: 2 weeks)  

  2. INTROP Exchange Grants are primarily intended for young scientists, but applications from scientists with permanent positions are also accepted

  3. Candidates must be currently affiliated with a European laboratory and apply for a stay in a different European country (including Israel)

  4. At least one of the institutes involved must be located in a country supporting INTROP. Provided equal scientific quality, priority will be given to applications where both the institute of origin and the host institute are located in countries supporting INTROP

  5. All collaborative projects related to the INTROP themes listed above will be considered

Provided equal scientific quality, priority is given to proposals with proposers from countries supporting INTROP.

Please note that all beneficiaries of ESF/INTROP support are required to acknowledge this support in publications resulting from the collaborative project.  A pdf file of the publication should be sent to the INTROP Programme Chair,

Université Lyon IInstitut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON)UMR 5256 CNRSVilleurbanneFrance

Level of support

A monthly subsistence allowance of 1600 EUR will be paid, plus a maximum travel contribution of 500 EUR. Travel will be refunded on the basis of APEX type airfares or 2nd class train travel for shorter distances.

If INTROP support is awarded, 80 per cent of the subsistence allowance will be paid in advance of the visit, with the balance and travel costs being paid on submission of a scientific report and travel documents, and on confirmation of the grantee’s dates of visit by the host.

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Application procedure

Exchange grant applications can now be submitted at any time and will be assessed on a rolling basis by a small grant committee made up of representatives of the INTROP Steering Committee.  Applicants are asked to prepare their applications carefully, taking into account the information requested below.  Badly-prepared or incomplete applications will be rejected.

For information: Guidelines for proposers (PDF 15.8 KB)  

Applicants should be prepared to complete online Application Form:

  • details of their own institute and of their host’s institute (address, contact details)
  • the title of their planned project
  • planned starting date of visit and duration (in weeks)
  • estimated travel costs (maximum 500 EUR).

Applicants will also need to have ready to upload a document (.pdf or .doc format, not exceeding 5MB) with the following information:

  • Description (approx. 1000 words) of the planned visit or joint research project clearly indicating the scientific motivation and justification, the relevance to INTROP themes, planned time schedule, detailed work plan, and expected results or benefits of the proposed project
  • A curriculum vitae (maximum two A4 pages)
  • Five most recent publications
  • A letter of recommendation from someone familiar with the applicant’s work
  • A letter of acceptance from the host at the receiving institute
  • Information whether or not the applicant will have a salary during the visit

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

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INTROP Poster Prizes [CLOSED]

The INTROP Programme offers annually a small number of INTROP Poster Prizes at selected conferences.  This prize takes the form of support for a short visit to another European country.  Applications for the short visit should be submitted here, following the guidelines given above Application Form 

Please note that an application for a short visit should only be submitted if you have already been informed that you have been awarded an INTROP Poster Prize.

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Reporting requirements

As outlined in the guidelines received by successful grant applicants, final payment of ESF grants are conditional on submission of a final scientific and financial report.  The final scientific report should contain:

  • Purpose of the visit
  • Description of the work carried out during the visit
  • Description of the main results obtained
  • Future collaboration with the host institution
  • Projected publications/articles resulting or to result from the grant

This report should be submitted within one month of the visit.  Final payment willl be subject to approval of this report by the INTROP Steering Committee.

Final reports should be submitted online Go to Website using the password and reference number communicated to grantees in the e-mail correspondence. For further requirements relating specifically to INTROP grants, please consult the Programme's own guidelines (PDF 29.7 KB).

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