Thermal adaptation in ectotherms: Linking life history, physiology, behaviour and genetics

2009 Awards

Exchange Grants



Host Institute
Planned starting date/
Project Title
EX/2718Z Zizzari (IT)J Ellers (NL) 04/01/2010
(12 weeks)
Direct and indirect effects of heat shock on male reproductive fitness in the
Collembola Orchesella cincta  
EX/2570J Walters (DE) W Blanckenhorn (CH) 15/09/2009 
(13 weeks)
Adaptation of performance curves to a warmer world: Consequences of local
adaptation, asymmetry and generalist-specialist trade-offs
EX/2530 M  Pokorna (CZ)W Rens (UK)26/09/2009 
(12 weeks)
Molecular cytogenetic approach to evolution of sex-determining mechanisms in
lizards: from dependency on thermal environment to genetic control of a crucial
life-history trait   
EX/2272I Karl (DE)R Stoks (BE)20/04/2009 
(6 weeks)

Effects of temperature stress and food stress on adult immune function in the
tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana   

EX/2241 Gibbs (BE)M B Karlsson (SE)1/5/09 
(12 weeks)
Physiological mechanisms underlying oviposition plasticity in response to increased flight at high temperatures  
EX/2239  I Fragata (PT) M Santos (ES) 26/1/09 
(5 weeks)
Thermal tolerance of chromosomal inversion polymorphisms in Drosophila

Short Visits

Host Institute
Planned starting date/
Project Title
SV/3097G Calabria Garcia (ES)V Loeschcke (DK)29/09/2009 
(10 days)
Inversion polymorphism and thermal tolerance in Drosophila subobscura   
SV/2816I Swillen (SE)P Grillas (FR)01/06/2009 
(15 days)
Functional ecological study of biotic interactions along a latitudinal gradient in
the damselfly Ischnura elegans