Title: Winter school ‘Ecology of plant VOCs’
Date: 11-15/11/2008
Location: Wageningen University (NL)
Convenor: M Dicke (NL)
field campaign to study Biosphere-Atmosphere exchange ofvolatile organic compounds in a northern temperate EcosystemSteffen Noe (EE) Järvselja/Tartu (EE), 04- 17/08/2008
Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds - Sources and Fates in a Changing World
M. Staudt (FR)
Montpellier (FR), 02-05/10/2007
Field Campagn
Field Campagn for the Study of Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Volatile Organic Compounds
F. Loreto (IT)
Rome (IT), 02-31/05/2007
Activities which received VOCBAS support:
Title: Floral and Vegetative Volatiles (Gordon Conference)
Date: 2-12 October 2007
Location: Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Title: Towards a Process-based Description of Trace Gas emissions in Land Surface Models (Marie Curie iLEAPS Workshop)
Date: 16-19 October 2007
Location: Helsingborg, Sweden
Title: Biogenic Hydrocarbons and the Atmosphere (Gordon Conference)
Date: 25 February – 2 March 2007
Location: Ventura, California
Stable Isotopes, Plant VOCs and Secondary Organic Aerosols in Biosphere-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange
J. Holopainen(FI)
Kuopio (FI), 29-30/11/2006
1st VOCBAS status seminar
J. Wildt (DE)
Juelich (DE), 13-15/06/2006
Improving the interpretation and application of plant volatile analysis
N.van Dam (NL)
Heteren (NL), 15-18/03/2006
VOCBAS cosponsored a symposium on Plant terpenoids and the environment within the International Botanical Congress, which took place in Vienna, Austria, on 17-23 July 2005. Go to Website
Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in the Plant-Environment Interaction
F. Loreto (IT)
Rome (IT), 20-24/09/2004
VOCBAS provided funding which enabled a number of young scientists to attend the Gordon Research Conference on Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere which took place in Il Ciocco, Italy, on 2-7 May 2004.
VOCBAS School: Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in the Plant-Environment Interaction, Pieve Tesino (Trento), Italy, 20-24 September 2004.