
15. March 2012

ESF Research Networking Programme - PALATIUM - Copenhagen colloquium “Beyond Scylla & Charybdis”

The workshops and Colloquia will take place in Copenhagen and Hillerød (The National Museum of History, Frederiksborg Castle) from 30 April to 02 May 2012.  [more]

15. March 2012

ESF Research Networking Programme - PALATIUM - Munich workshop “Virtual Palaces, Part II”

The workshop will take place in Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität) in Germany from 13 to 15 April 2012 . Attending the workshop is free, but for practical reasons registration is required.  [more]

15. March 2012

ESF Research Networking Programme - PALATIUM - "Court Residences as Places of Exchange in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe" - Summer School Utrecht 2012

The School will take place in Utrecht (The Netherlands), with field trips to various castles and residences in The Netherlands and Germany from 1 to 11 July 2012. This event is organised by PALATIUM in cooperation with the Onderzoekschool Kunstgeschiedenis (Dutch Postgraduate School for Art... [more]

15. March 2012

ESF Research Networking Programme - DRUGS - Call for Papers: Animal Models, Model Animals? Meanings and Practices in the History

Proposals are invited for a One-Day Workshop examining the changing uses of animal models in biomedical research to be held at the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM), University of Manchester, on Friday 21st September 2012.  [more]

1. February 2012

ESF Research Networking Programmes are under threat but scientists speak in their defense.

Nature has recently published in mid-December 2011 a correspondence by Peter Dederichs, Psi-k Research Networking Programme and Jülich Research Centre, Germany, voicing the concern of the science community of seeing one "of the most successful activities of the venerated European Science... [more]

19. July 2011

Hit a wall? Take a holographic view: NewScientist article on ESF's HoloGrav Research Networking Programme

A great read which explains how string theorists and particle physicists from 13 European countries discuss the new uses of holography to tackle some of the most intractable problems in physics.  [more]

25. November 2010

European Science Foundation cancels research funding calls

The European Science Foundation (ESF) will not launch three funding calls pending more progress towards its merger with the European Heads of Research Councils (EUROHORCs). At the ESF annual assembly last week ESF member organisations decided to put certain activities on hold during the current... [more]

1. December 2008

European Science Foundation announces plans for International Year of Astronomy 2009

The European Science Foundation (ESF) has announced a series of activities and initiatives that will significantly widen the support for the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009), a global initiative which aims to stimulate worldwide interest in astronomy and science. The ESF announcement... [more]

20. October 2008

Getting to grips with the complexity of disease proteins

Drug molecules seldom act simply on one protein but on protein complexes and networks. A deeper understanding of these ‘cooperative assemblies’ should lead to better targeting of drugs [more]

18. October 2008

Human protein atlas will help pinpoint disease

A map of where proteins are located in tissues and cells could help scientists understand the molecular basis of diseases such as cancer [more]