Electron Induced Processing at the Molecular Level (EIPAM)

Short Visit Grants (the call is now closed)

The 5 year Programme on Electron Induced Processing at the Molecular Level (EIPAM); a programme to bring together researchers in the fields of collisional physics, STM, surface ions, to study the manipulation of molecules by electrons.

The programme funds research exchanges, workshops and conferences.  Research exchanges will consist of

1  Short Visit Grants up to 15 days

2  Exchange Grants (15 days - 6 months) aimed at younger researchers who may visit a lab/group in a country other than their own to learn new techniques, conduct joint research etc. before returning to their home institution.

Applications should be submitted electronically.   SHORT VISIT GRANTS Application form

An application must  include the following information:

- A short description of the proposed project work (about 250 words) and the aim of the visit
- A curriculum vitae of two A4 pages
- Full address details of the prospective host(s)
- Proposed starting date
- Estimated travel costs

Short visit grants are reimbursed on a per diem basis of 85 EUR plus actual travel expenses up to a maximum of 500 EUR after the visit on submission of a completed balance payment form accompanied by the original travel tickets.  No payment will be made without the scientific report.

Guidelines for Short Visit Grants (PDF 35 KB)

Exchange Grants (the call is now closed)

EXCHANGE GRANTS Application form from 15 days to six months

Exchange Visit applications should include the following information:

- A short description of the proposed project work (about 1000 words) and the aim of the visit
- A curriculum vitae of two A4 pages
- Five most recent publications
- A letter of recommendation from someone familiar with the applicant’s work
- A letter of acceptance from the host at the receiving institute
- Full address details of the prospective host(s)
- Proposed starting date
- Estimated travel costs

Exchange grants are reimbursed on the basis of an allowance of 1 600 EUR per month / 400 EUR per week / 57 EUR per day plus actual costs for travel, up to a maximum of 500 EUR.

Application form

Guidelines for Exchange grants (PDF 35 KB)