Globalizing Europe Economic History Network (GLOBALEURONET)


The main scientific objective of the Programme is to investigate, on a systematic, Europe-wide and integrated (ie, both quantitative and qualitative) basis, the economic, institutional and social specificities of Europe’s participation in the globalization waves that occurred during the last 150 years. Its strategic objective is to promote the convergence of quantitative research methods, the consolidation of existing and future research projects at national level into a European common research agenda, and the organization of common education and training activities. The Programme will focus on the construction of an integrated, Europe-wide data base for the period 1850-2000, based on a uniform, consistent methodology that will consolidate existing partial databases and enhance further collection of data, covering a wide range of quantitative indicators – both traditional and new – of market integration, social welfare, economic growth, as well as qualitative information on institutional development. The Programme brings together 24 top standing scholars and active research teams from 20 European countries, thus mobilizing a critical mass of research capacities and financial resources. The proposed activities will provide a stable institutional framework within which the experiences of cooperation between European economic and social historians, economists and other social scientists can be consolidated and research excellence further enhanced, thus actively promoting to the development of a true European research and education area.


4 years, from May 2006 to November 2010.