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16. June 2011 13:24

Astrochemistry; The Cradle of Life - An ESF, COST supported Exhibition

Two of the great unanswered scientific questions are: How did life begin on Earth? Is there life elsewhere in the Universe? These are questions that have fascinated humanity for centuries...

Within just the last two decades the existence of potentially life harbouring planets outside the solar system has moved from the realm of scientific speculation and science fiction into the world of reality and scientific research. Thanks to astrochemistry, our understanding of the universe has transformed from the early imaginings of the outer space as void dotted with lonely stars, to that of a cosmos of complex interstellar media filled with stars encircled by habitable worlds. The fascinating science presented here is an excellent example of how curiosity‐driven research expands the horizons of our understanding about the universe, leading to innovation that pushes the modern technologies to yet unprecedented limits. Such achievements have become possible only through collaboration between scientists of different disciplines and countries.

The European Science Foundation recognizes the utter importance of trans‐national scientific collaboration by supporting large scale bottom‐up European collaboration projects, such as EuroGENESIS and CompStar programmes which are presenting their research as part of their public dissemination activities during the International Year of Chemistry.

More information on the exhibition here