News, Announcements & Press Releases

1. February 2011 21:06

ESF at AAAS 2011

At the AAAS annual meeting 2011 in Washington DC, ESF is organising two sessions:

  • Thinking About Thinking: How Do We Know What We Know?
    Sunday 20 February, 3.00pm – 4.30pm
  • Reaching a Global Standard in Research Integrity
    Monday 21 February, 9.45am – 12.45pm

See to download session synopses, presentation summaries, speaker biographies and images

Thinking About Thinking: How Do We Know What We Know?

We’re all familiar with the feeling of something being on the tip of the tongue. This ability to feel doubt and certainty about your own thinking is an example of metacognition. Long thought as unique to humans – like language and tool use –  research has revealed metacognition in some animals. What could animal metacognition mean for philosophers’ debates on the theory of mind? And how could testing metacognition in animals help us gauge cognitive development in young children?

Moderator: Eva Hoogland, European Science Foundation

John David Smith, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
Josef Perner, University of Salzburg, Austria
Joëlle Proust, Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris, France

Reaching a Global Standard in Research Integrity

Fraud, fabricating results and plagiarism: research integrity has become a critical issue in the wake of high profile scandals. Hear first hand examples from Europe, the US and Asia that show the challenges in establishing a worldwide consensus about research integrity and how different institutions and governments are working to enhance its delivery.

Moderator: Marja Makarow, European Science Foundation

Ovid Tzeng, University System of Taiwan 
Laura Marin, European Science Foundation, France
John Galland, Office of Research Integrity, USA
Ragnvald Kalleberg, National Commission for the Investigation of Scientific Misconduct, Norway
Ulrike Beisiegel, University of Gottingen, Germany

To arrange interviews please contact Chloe Kembery, Press Officer, European Science Foundation:
Tel: +33 388 76 21 58 Mobile +33 643 17 23 82

Media contact:

Ms. Chloe KemberyE-Mail