News, Announcements & Press Releases

2. December 2011 14:28

Euro-Chemistry Summit

ESF is a member of Euro-Chemistry and is a co-organsing and co-sponsoring the upcoming Euro-Chemistry Summit, which will take place on 15 December 2011 in Strasbourg at the premises of Council of Europe.

Euro-Chemistry is a recently established trans-national organization of a number of research funding agencies at the level of heads of chemistry directorates. It aims at providing a broad support to chemistry research, establishment of joint strategies and engagement in cross-border activities. The Summit will gather chemistry stakeholders from among national funding agencies, both EU and international, chemical industry, policy makers, and scientists. The scheduled discussion sessions concerning chemists’ careers and funding research and cooperation will provide consultation for shaping future activities of Euro-Chemistry. A limited number of participants can still be accepted. There is no participation fee but prior registration is mandatory. For more information contact contact[a]