
18. October 2008

Human protein atlas will help pinpoint disease

A map of where proteins are located in tissues and cells could help scientists understand the molecular basis of diseases such as cancer [more]

17. October 2008

Podcast: HERA’s Prof. Philip Esler on the 1st European Conference for Collaborative Humanities Research (ECCHR)

Listen to the podcast Dr. Prof. Philip Esler, Chief Executive of the Art and Humanities Research Council and the Chair of the HERA Network Board, speaks about the 4th HERA Annual Conference - “European diversities – European identities” and the 1st European Conference for Collaborative Humanities... [more]

16. October 2008

Man's best friend recruited in the hunt for disease genes

For centuries man has had a uniquely close relationship with dogs – as a working animal, for security and, perhaps most importantly, for companionship. Now, dogs are taking on a new role – they are helping in the hunt for genetic mutations that lead to diseases in humans.“Dogs get very similar... [more]

13. October 2008

Unpicking the complexity of human diseases

Impressive advances in our understanding of the genetic basis of disease were outlined at the 3rd ESF Functional Genomics Conference in Innsbruck, Austria [more]

13. October 2008

ESF names Professor Milena Žic Fuchs as the Chair of the Humanities Science Committee

The European Science Foundation (ESF) has named Professor Dr. Milena Žic Fuchs as the new Chair of the Standing Committee for the Humanities (HUM (formerly SCH)). The announcement came after the Governing Council of the ESF voiced its endorsement for Professor Žic Fuchs to replace Professor Gretty Mirdal for a... [more]

13. October 2008

ESF names Professor Guenther Rosner as the Chair of the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee

The European Science Foundation (ESF) has named Professor Guenther Rosner as the new chair of the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC).  The announcement came after the Governing Council of the ESF voiced its endorsement for Professor Rosner to replace Professor Brian... [more]

13. October 2008

ESF names Professor Mats Gyllenberg as the Chair of the Physical and Engineering Sciences

The European Science Foundation (ESF) has named Professor Mats Gyllenberg as the new chair of the Standing Committee for Physical and Engineering Sciences (PEN (formerly PESC)).  The announcement came after the Governing Council of the ESF voiced its endorsement for Professor Gyllenberg to replace Professor... [more]

10. October 2008

ESF names Professor Ceulemans as the Chair of the Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences Standing Committee

The European Science Foundation (ESF) has named Professor Reinhart Ceulemans as the new chair of the Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences Standing Committee (LEE (formerly LESC)). The announcement came after the Governing Council of the ESF voiced its endorsement for Professor Ceulemans to replace Professor... [more]

9. October 2008

Europe rallies behind nanotechnology to wean world from fossil fuels

Nanotechnologies can be used to develop sustainable energy systems while reducing the harmful effects of fossil fuels as they are gradually phased out over the next century. This optimistic scenario is coming closer to reality as new technologies such as biomimetics and Dye Sensitised solar Cells... [more]

7. October 2008

Marine Board-ESF welcomes the new European Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research

The Marine Board-ESF welcomes the European Commission’s European Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research: A coherent European Research Area framework in support of a sustainable use of oceans and seas (September 2008). The strategy is one of 65 key actions designed to support the implementation... [more]