
23. May 2008

Europeans unite to tap early universe for secrets of fundamental physics

Aim to produce new generation of astronomer that understands theory and observation [more]

22. May 2008

Marine Data Challenges: from Observation to Information

The Marine Board – ESF 1st Marine Science Forum, ‘Marine Data Challenges: from Observation to Information’, was held in the Marine Board’s new offices in the InnovOcean Centre, Ostende, Belgium on 15th May 2008. The Forum brought together directors and representatives of many of the leading... [more]

20. May 2008

Podcast: Marine Board ’s Lars Horn on the MB's 1st Forum and the EMODNET

The Chairman of the Marine Board Lars Horn speaks about the first Marine Board Forum. [more]

20. May 2008

Ocean acidification – another undesired side effect of fossil fuel-burning

Up to now, the oceans have buffered climate change considerably by absorbing almost one third of the worldwide emitted carbon dioxide. The oceans represent a significant carbon sink, but the uptake of excess CO2 stemming from man’s burning of fossil fuels comes at a high cost: ocean acidification.... [more]

19. May 2008

Research Europe: 1st Marine Board Forum discusses data-sharing challenges

Please click here for a news article about the First Marine Board Forum written by the Research Europe. For more on Research Europe please go to  [more]

14. May 2008

ESF Chief Executive nominated for ERAB

ESF Chief Executive, Professor Marja Makarow, has been nominated as a member of the European Research Area Board (ERAB). As a follow-up to last year’s Green Paper on new perspectives for science and technology in Europe, the European Commission decided to establish the European Research Area... [more]

1. May 2008

Editorial: Technology with a human face

Please click here for an editorial written by ESF Chief Executive Marja Makarow on The Millennium Technology Prize. For more on Research Europe please go to [more]

30. April 2008

EUROCORES conference gives cold quantum matter a European twist

ESF’s EuroQUAM Programme holds Inauguration Conference [more]

24. April 2008

European light research opens door for optical storage and computing

The goal of replacing electronics with optics for processing data in computers is coming closer through cutting edge European research into the mysterious properties of “fast and slow” light. The long term aim is to boost processing speeds and data storage densities by several orders of magnitude... [more]

15. April 2008

European Commission nominates Professor Marja Makarow to be on the European Research Area Board

The European Commission announced it has nominated ESF Chief Executive Marja Makarow along with 21 other personalities to make up the European Research Area Board (ERAB). These persons come from science, academia and business and will provide independent and authoritative advice to the... [more]