
15. December 2008

Pigs and dogs can bridge gap between mice and humans in developing new therapies

Human and veterinary medicine could receive a big boost through the use of larger animals, especially pigs and dogs, in research, with Europe at the forefront. There is the prospect of bringing drugs to the market more quickly at less cost, as well as accelerating progress in other forms of... [more]

12. December 2008

How My Country Influences My Behaviour

HumVIB, the first EUROCORES programme in the social sciences, kicks off [more]

12. December 2008

Astrophysicists recreate stars in the lab

Greater understanding of energetic processes in stars could accelerate development of clean energy from nuclear fusion. ESF project brings together astronomical theory, observation and experiment  [more]

11. December 2008

Mathematical models of adaptive immunity

More than five million people die every year from infectious diseases, despite the availability of numerous antibiotics and vaccines.  The discovery of penicillin to treat bacterial infections, along with the development of vaccines for previously incurable virus diseases such as polio and... [more]

9. December 2008

Computation and genomics data drive bacterial research into new golden age

A potent combination of powerful new analysis methods and abundant data from genomics projects is carrying microbiology forward into a new era. Bacteria in particular are shedding light on fundamental molecular and signalling processes of interest not just within microbiology, but across the whole... [more]

8. December 2008

Scientists resolve to crack down on fraud

Public confidence in the honesty of scientists is being harmed by a small minority of researchers who behave badly, a conference heard last week. European research organisations agreed to work more closely to tackle the problem of fraud and other misconduct in science. The meeting in Madrid on... [more]

5. December 2008

Marine Board-ESF publishes MarinERA Publication 7 Future Looks: strategic analyses for new activities

A new publication -  MarinERA Publication 7 - has recently been published by the Marine Board - ESF. The report profiles a synthesis of priorities (research and policy/management) of several initiatives and is intended to support the identification of research priorities for future programmes,... [more]

3. December 2008

The technical design of the European Research Icebreaker - Aurora Borealis

(Berlin) The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association and the engineering company Wärtsilä Ship Design Germany (formerly Schiffko, GmbH) today presented the technical design of the European Research Icebreaker “Aurora Borealis" in Berlin. Aurora Borealis... [more]

2. December 2008

Rivers are carbon processors, not inert pipelines

Microorganisms in rivers and streams play a crucial role in the global carbon cycle that has not previously been considered. Freshwater ecologist Dr Tom Battin, of the University of Vienna, told a COST ESF Frontiers of Science conference in October that our understanding of how rivers and streams... [more]

1. December 2008

European Science Foundation announces plans for International Year of Astronomy 2009

The European Science Foundation (ESF) has announced a series of activities and initiatives that will significantly widen the support for the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009), a global initiative which aims to stimulate worldwide interest in astronomy and science. The ESF announcement... [more]