
14. April 2008

ESF Conferences to cooperate with Africa

Conference chairs

Pushing the frontiers of infectious disease research: from basic to translational science The European Science Foundation (ESF), the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC), together with the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, the... [more]

14. April 2008

Opinion column by NWO's Chairman Peter Nijkamp: Creating an Attractive Research Climate

Please click here for an editorial written by Peter Nijkamp, Chairman of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), on creating an attractive research climate. (The views expressed in the article published here are those of the authors alone. They do not necessarily represent the... [more]

11. April 2008

ESF Conference probes water’s mysterious interactions at molecular level

Some of the most challenging problems in science concern the behaviour of the most commonplace compound on the planet’s surface - water. But some of the mysteries are now being unravelled by the latest analysis and imaging techniques in an unfolding story that was presented at a recent conference... [more]

10. April 2008

Computation and experiment combine to unravel how genes are regulated and shed light on how cells become different

A closer alliance between computational and experimental researchers is needed to make progress towards one of biology’s most challenging goals, understanding how epigenetic marks contribute to regulation of gene expression. This emerged from a recent workshop organised by the European Science... [more]

8. April 2008

Europe develops new technologies to boost health of livestock

A range of new technologies including genetic modification (GM) and RNA Interference are being deployed to improve the health of farm animals in a series of European and global initiatives. The ground was laid for a European platform to develop new treatments that exploit these technologies at a... [more]

1. April 2008

Answering challenges of life in extreme environments research – The CAREX Project kicked-off

42 European Experts in the field of life in extreme environments research met on March 18, in the British Antarctic Survey offices in Cambridge (UK) to officially kick off the CAREX project (Coordination Action for Research Activities on life in Extreme Environments). Life in Extreme Environments... [more]

17. March 2008

Ten Questions with Descartes Prize laureate Dr. Eric Wolff (British Antarctic Survey), member of the EPICA Team

1. What does winning the Descartes Prize mean to you and EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica)? Winning the Descartes Prize is a great recognition of the work of the EPICA team.  It shows that the science that has come out of it is interesting and important for climate... [more]

12. March 2008

ESF’s European ice core project EPICA receives prestigious Descartes Prize for Collaborative, Transnational Research

The research project EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica), one of the European Science Foundations most successful and longest running Research Networking Programmes, is one of this year’s winners of the Descartes Prize for Research. The Descartes Prize for Research was awarded to... [more]

11. March 2008

Europe to build state of the art laboratory to study how stars evolve and elements are formed in cosmos

One of the great ongoing challenges of astrophysics, to find out how stars evolve and die, is to be tackled in an ambitious European research programme. This will involve studying in the laboratory over 25 critical nuclear reactions using low-energy stable beams of ions, in order to understand... [more]

29. February 2008

Editorial: Cold Rush for Polar Position

Please click here for an editorial written by Paul Egerton (the executive director of the European Polar Board and the European Polar Consortium at the European Science Foundation), Carlo-Alberto Ricci (professor of geology at the University of Siena and the chairman of the European Polar... [more]