
29. July 2010

Quantum phenomenon: Pinning atoms into order

A fundamental physical phenomenon that causes atoms to build an organized structure from an initially unorganized one has been observed for the first time by physicists at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. The research team headed by Hanns-Christoph Nägerl have published their research today... [more]

22. July 2010

A new code of conduct for researchers

A new European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity is presented by the European Science Foundation at the World Conference on Research Integrity.  The code addresses good practice and bad conduct in science, offering a basis for trust and integrity across national borders. This... [more]

24. June 2010

The reality of human stem cell research in Europe

European Science Foundation reports on the scientific, ethical and legal issues in human stem cell research  [more]

16. June 2010

MRI research at risk from EC directive

European Medical Research Councils of the European Science Foundation issues Position Statement on the Implications of the EMF Directive 2004/40/EC for European Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Research  [more]

18. May 2010

Leading scientists call for more effort in tackling rising ocean acidity

ESF presents ocean acidification report at EU Maritime Day 2010 [more]

18. May 2010

Sustainable use of our seas needs an integrated view of humans and nature

Marine Board-ESF presents position paper at EU Maritime Day 2010 [more]

15. April 2010

Europe, know thyself: social science solutions to the biggest problems

Roderick Floud, chair of the ESF social sciences standing committee, calls for tools meet the demands of the discipline's insights in Times Higher Education today [more]

4. March 2010

Forthcoming report on the impact of EMF directive on MRI research

European Medical Research Councils Position on the Implications of the EMF Directive 2004/40/EC for European Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Research Publication May 2010 [more]

17. February 2010

Listen to the natives for better environmental monitoring

Modern methods can answer a multitude of questions, but sometimes traditional techniques are superior. Authorities in northern Quebec, Canada, found this to their cost, when they relied upon statistical data to monitor moose populations. For many centuries the Cree, an indigenous group of people... [more]

2. December 2009

International peer review of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences published

The first comprehensive international scientific review of the research units of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), coordinated by the European Science Foundation (ESF) together with the All European Academies (ALLEA), is published this week.  International peer review support to... [more]