The European Science Foundation (ESF) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Linköping University (LiU) for a new conference scheme. The document was signed in Linköping by Professor Bertil Andersson, Chief Executive of the ESF and Professor Mille Milnert, Rector of Linköping University.... [more]
The emergence of nanotechnologies together with the maturity of other technologies (silicon for instance) will make possible new and potentially disruptive functionalities in the domain of data handling, storage and communication. [more]
The following Research Networking Programmes have formally been approved for launching and are expected to begin their activities shortly: [more]
Each year the European Science Foundation (ESF) supports approximately 50 Exploratory Workshops across all scientific domains. [more]
The European launch of International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008 marks the commencement of the largest and most ambitious internationally-coordinated scientific effort for half a century. [more]
Expanding waistlines, unsightly bulges: people will gladly remove excess body fat to improve their looks. But unwanted fat also contains stem cells with the potential to repair defects and heal injuries in the body. A team led by Philippe Collas at the University of Oslo in Norway has identified... [more]
There is an urgent reason to study stem cells: stem cells are at the heart of some, if not all, cancers. Mounting evidence implicates a clutch of rogue stem cells brandishing ‘epigenetic’ marks as the main culprits in cancer. Wiping out tumours for good, some biologists believe, depends on... [more]
At a recent EuroDYNA conference in Brno, Czech Republic 60 scientists from nine European countries came together to present their research. A number of highly prominent researchers in the field of genetics and cell nucleus architecture discussed and debated their recent findings in the grounds... [more]
The European Science Foundation's ‘Forward Look in Nanomedicine’ conference (chaired by Professor Ruth Duncan of Cardiff University) identified a need for truly interdisciplinary Pan-European training in order to facilitate the rapid and safe development of novel nanotechnology-based tools having... [more]