Fractals and Geotechnical Engineering

convened by Dimitrios Kolymbas

Location :Innsbruck, Austria, 15-17 December 2003


While a majority of researchers in the geotechnical and geological communities knows something about fractals, this is not sufficient to treat the problems explained above (scaling laws in space and time). The workshop is expected to help the participants to obtain more specific information into this new field and provide initial help for further research. As the theory of fractals uses very demanding mathematics, it will be beneficial to involve in this meeting interested mathematicians who will be introduced to the open problems in geotechnical engineering and contribute to their solutions. Mathematicians are capable to penetrate into the theoretical fundamentals of fractals and identify what will be their benefit for the problems of geotechnical engineering. In the longer term, the envisaged workshop is expected to act as a milestone for contemporary geotechnical engineering. In view of the European backlog (as compared with the United States) in the applications of the theory of fractals, the envisaged workshop will contribute to close a gap. The presupposed multi-disciplinarity can only be succesful within a European framework.

Preliminary programme - Provisional list of participants

(for information purposes only - this meeting is not ope


Scientific Convenor:

University of InnsbruckInstitute for Geotechnical and Tunnel EngineeringInnsbruckAustria

ESF Contact:

Database officer