From Natural Philosophy to Science


This Programme addressed the important, but difficult question, which were the factors involved in transforming natural philosophy into the physical sciences? It  focused its research efforts on the period of the formation of European “natural philosophy” from 1200 to 1700, the cradle of modern scientific thought. The period covered extends roughly from the introduction of Aristotle’s works into the nascent universities to the establishment of stable scientific institutions such as the Royal Society or the Académie des Sciences, whose activities were characterised by experimentation, mathematical modelling, the publication of research results (in vernacular scientific languages), and the sponsoring of scientific collaboration.


This programme plans to publish 13 volumes; six have already been published.

List of books

Programme proposal  

Programme brochure  

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Four years from 1 May 2003 to 30 April 2007

The programme was prolonged until 31 December 2007