Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies - (COMSt)


The ESF Research Networking Programme “Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies” (COMSt) brings together scholars from different disciplines across Europe who can compare experiences and research results in history of written civilization, manuscript preservation, conservation, restoration, description/cataloguing, both textual and material analyses. In the process it will be possible to compare the methods used and, eventually, elaborate unified approach to manuscript studies for Oriental cultures – using the achievements of non-Oriental disciplines. The aim of the COMSt programme is to enable academic dialogue between scholars working in the same subdiscipline of manuscript studies applied to another language or region, as well as interdisciplinary communication. It is expected to consolidate European research traditions and stimulate further scholarly exchange in the field of Oriental manuscript studies, with the focus on the Mediterranean and North African cultural areas, building up a long-lasting and efficient network that will continue bringing fruit beyond the expiration date of the current Research Networking Programme.

The programme brochure is available here.

The programme 4th newsletter is available here.


For five years from 1 June 2009 to 31 May 2014

External website

For more details: go to website