Network for Digital Methods in the Arts and Humanities (NeDiMAH)

11 Events in 2015:

  1. [School] School on Digital Scholarly Editing (WG6)
    Dates and location : 14 May 2015, London, UK
    Convened by : Lorna Hughes (UK)
    Scientific report :

  2. [Conference] "Beyond the Digital Humanities"
    Dates and location : 05 May 2015, University of London, UK
    Convened by : Lorna Hughes (GB)
    Scientific report :

  3. [Workshop] Editing Texts in a Digital World: Text Encoding and Visualization
    Dates and location : 27 April - 02 May 2015, Cluj-Napoca
    Convened by : Corina-Elena Moldovan (RO)
    Scientific report :

  4. [Workshop] NeDiMAH WG Meeting: Taxonomy/Ontology Working Group Meeting 6 (with DARIAH)
    Dates and location : 21 - 24 April 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Convened by : Lorna Hughes (UK)
    Scientific report :

  5. [Short Visit] Digital architecture history of the first half of the 20th century in Europe
    Dates : 20 April 2015 for 2 days
    Grantee : Alex Dill (DE)
    Host(s) : Maria Bostenaru Dan (RO)
    Scientific report :

  6. [Workshop] Computing in Humanities
    Dates and location : 08 - 09 April 2015, Sofia
    Convened by : Svetla Koeva (BG)
    Scientific report :

  7. [Workshop] New methods of manuscript imaging and analysis.
    Dates and location : 30 March - 01 April 2015, National Library of Uales, UK
    Convened by : Lorna Hughes (UK)
    Scientific report :

  8. [Conference] Toward a new social contract between publishers and editors
    Dates and location : 28 February 2015, Grenoble
    Convened by : Elena Pierazzo (FR)
    Scientific report :

  9. [Workshop] Downstream from the Digital Humanities II
    Dates and location : 15 - 18 February 2015, Maynooth University
    Convened by : Susan Schreibman (IE)
    Scientific report :

  10. [Workshop] Multimodal communication: resources and application
    Dates and location : 11 - 13 February 2015, University of Debrecen, Hungary
    Convened by : Laszlo Hunyadi (HU)
    Scientific report :

  11. [Short Visit] Participation to the NeDIMAH workshop in Debrecen
    Dates : 11 February 2015 for 4 days
    Grantee : Corina-Elena Moldovan (RO)
    Host(s) : Laszlo Hunyadi (HU)
    Scientific report :

12 Events in 2014:

  1. [Workshop] So We've Built It, But Have They Come? Investigating Barriers and Opportunities for API Usage Among the AHSS Community.
    Dates and location : 17 December 2014, The Hague, Netherlands
    Convened by : Jennifer Edmond (IE)
    Scientific report :

  2. [Workshop] NeDiMAH Methods Ontology (NeMO) Working Group 5
    Dates and location : 15 - 16 December 2014, The Hague, Netherlands
    Convened by : Lorna Hughes (UK)
    Scientific report :

  3. [Workshop] Exploring Historical Sources with Language Technology
    Dates and location : 08 - 09 December 2014, The Hague
    Convened by : Karina Van Dalen-Oskam (NL)
    Scientific report :

  4. [Other Meetings] NeDiMAH Steering Committee Meeting 13th November 2014
    Dates and location : 13 November 2014, Zagreb, Croatia
    Convened by : Neven Jovanovic (HR)
    Scientific report :

  5. [Workshop] Integrating European Place Names in a Digital World
    Dates and location : 10 - 11 September 2014, National Library of the Netherlands
    Convened by : AC Dunning (NL)
    Scientific report :

  6. [Workshop] Humanities Web of Data Workshop at Digital Humanities Oxford Summer School ( DHOxSS)
    Dates and location : 14 - 18 July 2014, Oxford
    Convened by : Bernadette Bennett (UK)
    Scientific report :

  7. [Workshop] Digital Cultural Empowerment
    Dates and location : 08 July 2014, Lausanne, Switzherland
    Convened by : Fredrik Palm (SE)
    Scientific report :

  8. [Workshop] “What's your method?” Building an ontology for digital research methods in the arts and humanities
    Dates and location : 08 July 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
    Convened by : Lorna Hughes (UK)
    Scientific report :

  9. [Workshop] Are we there yet? Functionalities, synergies and pitfalls of major digital humanities infrastructure
    Dates and location : 08 July 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
    Convened by : Lorna Hughes (UK)
    Scientific report :

  10. [Conference] Downstream from the Digital Humanities
    Dates and location : 29 - 30 May 2014, Zadar, Croatia
    Convened by : Jennifer Edmond (IE)
    Scientific report :

  11. [School] Medieval and Modern Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age
    Dates and location : 28 April - 02 May 2014, Cambridge and London (UK)
    Convened by : Elena Pierazzo (UK)
    Scientific report :

  12. [Workshop] Workshop 1 on "Corpora" and Workshop 2 on "Research"
    Dates and location : 01 - 02 April 2014, Würzburg, Germany
    Convened by : Christof Schoech (DE)
    Scientific report :

12 Events in 2013:

  1. [Workshop] Networks over space and time: modelling, analyzing, and representing complex data in the digital humanities
    Dates and location : 08 November 2013, FCSH, New University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
    Convened by : Daniel Ribeiro Alves (PT)
    Scientific report :

  2. [Other Meetings] NeDiMAH Steering Committee
    Dates and location : 06 - 07 November 2013, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - NOVA University, Lisboa
    Convened by : Paulo Teodoro de Matos (PT)
    Scientific report :

  3. [Workshop] Knowledge Design - Visualising Meaning
    Dates and location : 19 - 21 September 2013, University College Cork, Ireland
    Convened by : Orla Murphy (IE)
    Scientific report :

  4. [Conference] Historical Network Research
    Dates and location : 13 - 15 September 2013, Hamburg University
    Convened by : Martin Stark (DE)
    Scientific report :

  5. [School] Digital Humanities Summer School Switzerland
    Dates and location : 26 - 29 June 2013, Bern, Switzerland
    Convened by : Enrico Natale (CH)
    Scientific report :

  6. [Workshop] Cultural Heritage Creative Archives and Tools
    Dates and location : 26 - 27 June 2013, National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen
    Convened by : Erik Champion (DK)
    Scientific report :

  7. [Workshop] NeDiMAH Methods Taxonomy WG meeting 3
    Dates and location : 18 - 19 June 2013, Dublin, Ireland
    Convened by : Lorna Hughes (UK)
    Scientific report :

  8. [Workshop] Culture Cloud, linked data and Co-reference resolution, joint meeting of the CultureCloud Initiative, CIDOC working group for co-refeerence and NEDIMAH working group for linked data and ontological methods
    Dates and location : 03 - 04 June 2013, Swedish National Archives, Stockholm
    Convened by : Christian-Emil Ore (NO)
    Scientific report :

  9. [Workshop] Visual Tools and Methods in Digital Humanities: Capturing, Modelling, Reading, and Thinking about Knowledge Creation...
    Dates and location : 07 - 08 March 2013, Umeå
    Convened by : Fredrik Palm (SE)
    Scientific report :

  10. [Other Meetings] NeDIMAH Taxonomy working group meeting II
    Dates and location : 30 January 2013, The Hague, Netherlands
    Convened by : Lorna hughes (UK)
    Scientific report :

  11. [Short Visit] Architectural heritage protection of the central area of Bucharest – mapping ways of visualisation in GIS and archives (so-called “registries” or taxonomy/ontology entries)
    Dates : 22 January 2013 for 15 days
    Grantee : Maria Bostenaru Dan (RO)
    Host(s) : Alex Dill (DE)
    Scientific report :

  12. [Workshop] Open Digital Humanities : use and reuse of digital data in the Humanities
    Dates and location : 14 - 17 January 2013, Amsterdam
    Convened by : Jean-Philippe Magué (FR)
    Scientific report :

11 Events in 2012:

  1. [Other Meetings] NeDiMAH SC meeting and open conference
    Dates and location : 26 - 27 November 2012, Dublin, Ireland
    Convened by : Susan Schreibman (IE)
    Scientific report :

  2. [Other Meetings] Experts' Seminar of the NeDiMAH working group on Digital Scholarly Editions
    Dates and location : 21 November 2012, Huygens ING, The Hague
    Convened by : Matthew James Driscoll (DK)
    Scientific report :

  3. [Workshop] NEDIMAH workshop: Using Large-Scale Text Collections for Research: Status and Needs
    Dates and location : 21 November 2012, The Hague
    Convened by : Rene van Horik (NL)
    Scientific report :

  4. [Workshop] Developing a Methods Taxonomy for the Digital Arts and Humanities
    Dates and location : 13 - 14 November 2012, London, UKK
    Convened by : Lorna Hughes (UK)
    Scientific report :

  5. [Workshop] NEDIMAH Cross workings group meeting
    Dates and location : 01 - 03 November 2012, Bucharest
    Convened by : Maria Bostenaru Dan (RO)
    Scientific report :

  6. [Conference] Images and Visualisation: Imaging Technology, Truth and Trust
    Dates and location : 17 - 21 September 2012, Norrköping
    Convened by : Fredrik Palm (SE)
    Scientific report :

  7. [Workshop] NeDiMAH Scholarly Publishing WG PLanning Workshop
    Dates and location : 25 - 26 July 2012, Dublin
    Convened by : Jennifer Edmond (IE)
    Scientific report :

  8. [Workshop] 2nd NeDiMAH infoviz workshop
    Dates and location : 21 July 2012, Hamburg
    Convened by : Fredrik Palm (SE)
    Scientific report :

  9. [Workshop] Second NeDiMAH workshop on Space and Time in the Digital Humanities: "Here and There, Then and Now – Modelling Space and Time in the Humanities"
    Dates and location : 17 July 2012, Hamburg, Germany
    Convened by : Leif Isaksen (UK)
    Scientific report :

  10. [Workshop] Ontology based annotation
    Dates and location : 17 July 2012, Hamburg, Digital Humanities 2012 conference
    Convened by : Sebastian Rahtz (UK)
    Scientific report :

  11. [Workshop] Developing Digital Data working group meeting
    Dates and location : 29 February - 01 March 2012, Lyon
    Convened by : Jean-Philippe Magué (FR)
    Scientific report :

3 Events in 2011:

  1. [Workshop] Reading and thinking with visual tools and methods in digital humanities
    Dates and location : 07 - 08 December 2011, Umeå
    Convened by : Fredrik Palm (SE)
    Scientific report :

  2. [Other Meetings] Meeting of Working Group 6, Digital scholarly editions
    Dates and location : 05 December 2011 - 05 December 2012, Copenhagen DK
    Convened by : Matthew James Driscoll (DK)
    Scientific report :

  3. [Workshop] First NeDiMAH workshop on Space and Time in the Digital Humanities
    Dates and location : 30 November 2011, Ravensbourne College, Greenwich, UK
    Convened by : Leif Isaksen (UK)
    Scientific report :