Archean Environmental Studies: the Habitat of Early Life (ArchEnviron)


The aim of the programme is to coordinate (and encourage) research on the environment of the early Earth and on the manner in which life appeared and evolved. The main emphasis will be on the conditions at or near the surface of the Archean Earth: the approach will be based firmly on the earth sciences and will thus be distinguished from other complementary programmes in which the emphasis is on molecular biology and genetics. By focussing on the first two billion years of Earth history, this programme will also be distinguished from current exobiology programmes that focus mainly on life in modern extreme environments.

The main research topics are:

(a) Composition and temperature of Archean atmosphere and oceans;

(b) The nature of Archean landmasses;

(c) Interaction between Archean surface waters and the oceanic and continental crust;

(d) The search for traces of early life.



5 years, starting with the first meeting of the Steering Committee in October 2005.



External Website

More information is available on the external  ArchEnviron website.