Archean Environmental Studies: the Habitat of Early Life (ArchEnviron)


Criteria of eligibility

ESF Short Visits are intended to initiate or strengthen links between different research groups. Grants are intended to cover travel and subsistence costs, and are not considered as a salary.  

  • Duration of short visits: up to 15 days
  • Candidates must be currently affiliated with a European laboratory and apply for a stay in a different European country
  • Provided equal scientific quality, priority will be given to applications where both the institute of origin and the host institute are located in countries supporting the ArchEnviron Programme

The ArchEnviron Programme also offers Exchange Grants, of up to 3 months' duration.

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Level of support

A per diem allowance of 85 EUR will be paid, plus a maximum travel contribution of 500 EUR. Travel will be refunded on the basis of APEX type airfares or 2nd class train travel for shorter distances. Payment of the award will be made once the visit has been completed on submission of a scientific report and travel documents.  The grantee's scientific report will also be submitted to the Steering Committee for approval before final payment is made.

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Application procedure

The deadlines for submission of applications are 1 March, 1 July and 1 November.

Application forms should be submitted online Application Form  

Applicants should be prepared to complete online:

  • details of their own institute and of their host's institute (address, contact details)
  • the title of their planned project
  • planned starting date of visit and duration (in weeks)
  • estimated travel costs (maximum 500 EUR).

Please note that the online system will allow applications for a maximum of 15 days.   If you wish to undertake a visit of more than 15 days, please apply for an Exchange Grant.

Applicants will also need to have ready to upload a document (.pdf or .doc format, not exceeding 5MB) with the following information:

  • Description (approx. 1000 words) of the planned visit or joint research project clearly indicating the scientific motivation and justification, the relevance to ArchEnviron themes, planned time schedule, detailed work plan, and expected results or benefits of the proposed project
  • A curriculum vitae of two A4 pages
  • Five most recent publications
  • A letter of recommendation from someone familiar with the applicant's work
  • A letter of acceptance from the host at the receiving institute

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Please note that you may encounter problems with the online application form if you are using Netscape as a browser.  If this happens, please change to Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.  You will also need to enable your computer to accept cookies while completing the form.

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