Functional Dynamics in Complex Chemical and Biological Systems (FUNCDYN)

2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007

Grant Awards 2009

The following grants have been awarded within the framework of the Programme to take place in 2009.


SV/2710Sten Rüdiger (DE)

Jaume Casademunt (ES) & Jordi Sonano (ES) 

Mechano-genetic coupling in hydra regeneration
SV/2715Francesca di Patti (IT)Javier Buceta (ES)A stochastic approach to autocatalytic reactions: spatial effects
SV/2717Rui Dilao (PT)Marcus Hauser (DE)Pattern transitions tuned by an inhibitor of cAMP in the Dictostelium discoideum colony aggregation
SV/2723Blas Echebarria (ES)Markus Bär (DE)Cardiac modelling
SV/2725Markus Bär (DE)Blas Echebarria (ES)Modelling cardiac dynamics
SV/2866Lavinia C. Onel (RO)Zoltan Noszticzius (HU)Functional role of an inhibitor and an anti-inhibitor in the Briggs-Rauscher reaction
SV/3079Jens Christian Brasen (DK)Maurice B. Hallett (UK)Ca2+ oscillations control hydrogen peroxide production in neutrophils
SV/3088Ines Pieper (DE)Preben Sørensen (DK)Biosimulation of xenobiotic metabolism in yeast
EX/2243Virginie Dolmazon (FR)Michael Bader (DE)Embryonic stem cells differentiation toward serotonergic lineage and serotonergic neurons functionality
EX/2255Norbet Muntean (RO)Zoltan Noszticzius (HU)CO and CO2 generation by free radicals and functional dynamics of inhibition by resorcinol in the BR reaction
EX/2263Juraj Bolyo (CZ)Marcus Hauser (DE)The metabolic synchronization of immobilized yeast cells: effect of matrices
EX/2269Angela Pisco (PT)Erik Mosekilde (DK)Modelling reabsorption of water and salt in the loop of Henle
EX/2337Virginia Gonzalez-Velez (MX)Genevieve Dupont (BE)Investigation of the impact of Ca2+ oscillations on glucagon release by pancreatic alpha-cells
EX/2516Silvia Polakova (SK)Jure Piskur (SE)Genome dynamics in pathogenic yeast Candida glabrata
EX/2519Gergely Boros (HU)Martin Søndergaard (DK)Regulator role of biotic and abiotc factors in the nutrient cycling of freshwater lakes
EX/2604Jan Szymanski (PL)Marcus Hauser (DE)Information processing functions of an optical capillary
EX/2622Roland Galgoczy (RO)Javier Buceta (ES)Anticipated synchronisation in gene expression