Interdisciplinary Tropospheric Research: from the Laboratory to Global Change (INTROP)

INTROP Schools

The ESF programme "INTROP: Interdisciplinary Tropospheric Research: From the Laboratory to Global Change" is offering partial support to schools focusing on topics related to INTROP activities. The programme aims to bring together scientists from various disciplines, addressing aspects of Atmospheric Chemistry.

Schools covering one of the following questions are particularly welcome:

  • Can we predict the atmospheric fate of novel complex pollutants?

An "environmentally friendly" approach requires that the fate of novel chemical compounds in the atmosphere is assessed before they are released into the environment. However, the scientific basis for such assessments is not always as sound as one would wish, especially when the fate of very complex compounds such as aromatic hydrocarbons, multifunctional oxygenates, etc. comes into play.

  • Do we understand the impact of aerosols on health and global change?

The atmosphere is not purely homogeneous, but contains condensed matter in the form of liquid and solid particles. Epidemiological studies have revealed that aerosol particles with diameters less than 10 μm, 2.5 μm (PM10; PM2.5), or smaller represent an important health hazard. In addition, heterogeneous chemistry on aerosol particles and its impact on air quality as well as particle composition are far from being well understood, and large uncertainties are associated with the climate forcings exerted by different types of atmospheric aerosols.

  • Can we understand and predict atmospheric composition change by models?

Due to the complexity of the Earth system, the unique tool for studying long-range – long-term atmospheric composition change is numerical simulation. Inclusion of the complete set of known chemical reactions and multiphase interactions in chemistry-transport-models (CTMs) is prohibited by computing time limitations, and mechanism reduction is unavoidable. However, scientifically sound reduction procedures need as a basis the “complete” mechanism and associated rate parameters which are not yet available.

INTROP support to schools is intended to initiate or strengthen trans-national links between different young scientists.

Summer school duration should be two weeks, and involving various levels of training (lectures, practical training,…).

Provided equal scientific quality, priority is given to workshop proposals with proposers from countries supporting INTROP. Priority will also be given to locations within supporting countries.

Countries supporting INTROP: Austria , Belgium , Czech Republic , Denmark , Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Poland, Slovenia,  Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom.

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Level of support

A total budget of 12 000 EUR is available intended to support one school in 2007.

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Application procedure

The next deadline for submission of applications has not yet been set.  

Applicants should be prepared to complete online:

  • details of their own institute (address, contact details)
  • the title of the planned school
  • planned starting date of school and duration (in weeks)
  • estimated costs

Applicants will also need to have ready to upload a document (.pdf or .doc format, not exceeding 5MB) with the following information:

Description (approx. 1000 words) of the planned school clearly indicating the scientific motivation and justification, the relevance to INTROP themes, planned time schedule, detailed schedule, list of speakers who committed to come and expected results or benefits of the proposed project

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Application forms should be submitted online Application Form 

For information: Guidelines for Proposers and Organisers of Science Meetings (PDF 30.7 KB)

It is a condition of funding that organisers who benefit from INTROP funding acknowledge ESF and INTROP support in all material and advertising related to the school and in publications resulting from the meeting.

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Call for Workshop proposals

The ESF programme "INTROP: Interdisciplinary Tropospheric Research: From the Laboratory to Global Change" invites proposals from potential organisers of workshops to be held from 2007 onwards on topics with clear and well-defined links to the programme.

Proposals addressing the following questions are particularly welcome:

  • Can we predict the atmospheric fate of novel complex pollutants?

An "environmentally friendly" approach requires that the fate of novel chemical compounds in the atmosphere be assessed before they are released into the environment. However, the scientific basis for such assessments is not always as sound as one would wish, especially when the fate of very complex compounds such as aromatic hydrocarbons, multifunctional oxygenates, etc. comes into play.

  • Do we understand the impact of aerosols on global change?

The atmosphere is not purely homogeneous, but contains condensed matter in the form of liquid and solid particles. Epidemiological studies have revealed that aerosol particles with diameters less than 10 μm, 2.5 μm (PM10; PM2.5), or smaller represent an important health hazard. In addition, heterogeneous chemistry on aerosol particles and its impact on air quality as well as particle composition are far from being well understood, and large uncertainties are associated with the climate forcings exerted by different types of atmospheric aerosols.

  • Can we understand and predict atmospheric composition change by models?

Due to the complexity of the earth system, the unique tool for studying long-range – long-term atmospheric composition change is numerical simulation. Inclusion of the complete set of known chemical reactions and multiphase interactions in chemistry-transport-models (CTMs) is prohibited by computing time limitations, and mechanism reduction is unavoidable. However, scientifically sound reduction procedures need as a basis the “complete” mechanism and associated rate parameters which are not yet available.

INTROP Workshop Grants are intended to initiate the exchange of knowledge and experience between researchers from across Europe, to help establish new cooperative links between different disciplines and to develop potential joint research projects.

INTROP has a budget of 40 000 EUR for workshops and intends to finance from 2-4 workshops each year. The workshops are expected to result in a White paper describing the state-of-the-art science in the field of the workshop.

Grants can be used to cover the costs of workshop activities, travel and subsistence for participants (see general guidelines). They are not generally intended to cover the full cost of a workshop, thus application for co-sponsoring is strongly encouraged.

Number of workshop participants: 20 to 50

Duration: 2 to 3 days

The involvement of younger, independent researchers and scholars is required

Provided equal scientific quality, priority is given to workshop proposals with proposers and participants from countries supporting INTROP

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Application Procedure

There will be two open calls for workshop proposals per year. 

The next deadline for submission hs not yet been set.  Applicants will be informed of the outcome by mid-December at the latest.

The INTROP Steering Committee is, in certain cases, encouraging proposals for science meetings on specific defined topics. These solicited proposals will be dealt with on the "fast track" evaluation process and can be submitted at any time.

Applications should be submitted using the online form below.

Before completing this form, you should prepare the following information:

  • The title, location and dates of the science meeting
  • The name and contact details of the designated contact person (convenor) and any co-organisers
  • A summary budget for the meeting as a whole with the following headings: travel; accommodation; meals; local administrative costs
  • The amount of support being requested from the ESF Programme and the amounts to be covered by co-sponsorship (if any).

To be attached to the online application as one pdf file (please note that this document should be in .pdf or .doc form and should not exceed 5 MB in size):

  1. Scientific summary (max. 1000 words) and Abstract (max. 50-70 words)

  2. Meeting programme

  3. Curriculum vitae of Scientific Organiser including list of five most relevant publications during the last five years

  4. Provisional list of proposed speakers/participants with their fields of expertise to the workshop theme, information on participation of young vs. established scientists

Please note that the INTROP Steering Committee requests that the description of the planned meeting should clearly indicate the scientific motivation and justification, the relevance to INTROP themes, and expected results or benefits of the proposed workshop.  The application should also specify (and quantify) if support is being requested for invited speakers/ established researchers/ younger scientists or students.

For information: Guidelines for Proposers and Organisers of Science Meetings (PDF 30.7 KB)

Application forms should be submitted on line Application Form

A final report of the meeting (including participants list and programme) will be required from meetings benefiting from INTROP support.

It is a condition of funding that workshop organisers who benefit from INTROP funding acknowledge ESF and INTROP support in all workshop material and in publications resulting from the meeting.

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