Natural molecular structures as drivers and tracers of terrestrial C fluxes (MOLTER)

2010 Awards

Exchange Grants

Host Planned starting date/
Project Title
EX/3184 H Erens (BE)I Kögel-Knabner (DE)29/11/2010 
(4 weeks)
Impact of termites on the mineral, textural and molecular organic composition of tropical soils.   
EG/2961 PJ Hatton (FR)  P Boeckx (BE) 09/08/2010 
(4 weeks)
Tracking the incorporation of 13C tracer derived from labelled glycine and beech litter in amino-sugars entrapped into aggregates or coating mineral particles by the use of Liquid Chromatography coupled to Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (LC-IRMS)
EG/2960A Andreetta (IT) Grignon (FR) 01/06/2010 
(4 weeks)
Cutin and suberin as plant biomarkers in Mediterranean forest soils 
EG/2928 S De Baets (BE)  
C Rumpel (FR)01/11/2010 
(4 weeks)
SOC composition and large-scale ecological dynamics resulting from land degradation
EG/2925 U Hamer (DE)C Rumpel (FR) 
(9 weeks)
Stabilization of root derived carbon and organic matter recycled by microorganisms in pasture soils of the South Ecuadorian Andes
EG/2921 S Höfle (DE) P Boeckx (BE) 
(4 weeks)
Microbial degradation of permafrost soil organic matter
EG/2701A Piedra Buena (ES)C Rumpel (FR) 1/2/10 
weeks )
Effect of soil management in the microcompartimentation 
EG/ 2700S Norström (SE)B Strobel (DK)1/8/10 
(5 weeks)
Characterization of soil solution and stream water DOC
EG/ 2698 O Duboc (AT)
C Rumpel (FR)11/1/10 ( 4

Analysis of soil lignin contents and its stable carbon isotope signature in samples from three experimental sites and from translocated soils, on an altitudinal transect in the Austrian Limestone Alps

EG/2694 A Pengerud (NO)MF Dignac (FR) 1/5/10 
Long-term exchange visit at the Bioemco Laboratory 
EG/2683 P Renforth (UK) U Lundstrom (SE)  14/2/10
Breakdown of organic acids in high pH waters  
EG/2681  J De La Rosa (PT)J González Pérez (ES) 1/4/10 
Environmental study of the Guadiana river basin and adjacent shelf: by using lipid biomarkers and humic fractions


 Short Visits

Host Institute
Planned starting date/
Project Title
SV/3142 J Weijers (NL) J Dungait (UK) 22/2/10 
(14 days)
Seasonal dynamics of tetraether membrane lipids in a grassland soil