- HeikoPälikeE-Mail
- MARUMBremenGermany
Steering Committee members
- JanBackmanE-Mail
- Stockholm UniversityFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Geology and GeochemistryStockholmSweden
- SorinFilipescuE-Mail
- 'Babes-Bolyai' UniversityFaculty of Biology and GeologyDepartment of GeologyCluj-NapocaRomania
- MiguelGarcesE-Mail
- University of BarcelonaFaculty of GeologyGroup of Geodynamics and Basin AnalysisBarcelonaSpain
- Felix M.GradsteinE-Mail
- University of OsloGeology MuseumOsloNorway
- KristalinaStoykovaE-Mail
- Bulgarian Academy of SciencesGeological InstituteDepartment of Paleontology, Stratigraphy and SedimentologySofiaBulgaria
- KlausMezgerE-Mail
- Universität BernInstitut für GeologieBernSwitzerland
- UrsSchalteggerE-Mail
- Université de GenèveSection des Sciences de la Terre et de l'EnvironnementGenèveSwitzerland
- MarioSprovieriE-Mail
- National Research CouncilInstitute for Coastal Marine EnvironmentTorretta GranitolaItaly
- MichaelStoreyE-Mail
- Roskilde UniversityDepartment of Environmental, Social and Spatial ChangeRoskildeDenmark
- MichaelWagreichE-Mail
- University of ViennaCenter for Earth SciencesDepartment of Geodynamics and SedimentologyViennaAustria
- JanWijbransE-Mail
- Vrije UniversiteitFaculty of Earth and Life SciencesDept. of Earth SciencesArgon Laserprobe LaboratoryAmsterdamNetherlands
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