Quantitative Models of Cellular and Developmental Biology (QuanTissue)

5 Events in 2015:

  1. [Exchange Grant] Real-time control of ERK activation dynamics to fine tune cell fate
    Dates : 01 June 2015 for 13 weeks
    Grantee : Hyunryul Ryu (KR)
    Host(s) : Olivier Pertz (CH)
    Scientific report :

  2. [Conference] European Cell Mechanics Meeting
    Dates and location : 13 - 15 May 2015, Barcelona
    Convened by : Xavier Trepat (ES)
    Scientific report :

  3. [Exchange Grant] A novel bilayer silk/silk-nanoCaP scaffold for osteochondral pathology
    Dates : 13 April 2015 for 14 weeks
    Grantee : Gema Jiménez González (ES)
    Host(s) : Rui Luis Gonçalves dos Reis (PT)
    Scientific report :

  4. [Conference] 3rd Belgian Symposium on Tissue Engineering (BSTE) 2015 - Where technology meets biology: the next generation of tissue engineering
    Dates and location : 19 - 20 March 2015, "Thermotechnisch Instituut" at the Arenberg Castle Park of the KU Leuven
    Convened by : Liliana Moreira Teixeira (BE)
    Scientific report :

  5. [Workshop] Quantitative Biology of Auxin Transport
    Dates and location : 12 - 16 January 2015, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, Snellius Facility
    Convened by : Roeland Merks (NL)
    Scientific report :

10 Events in 2014:

  1. [Conference] GDR Cell Tissue meeting: biology of complex system
    Dates and location : 03 - 06 November 2014, Mont Saint Odile, France
    Convened by : Juien Vermot (FR)
    Scientific report :

  2. [Conference] Physics of Biological Systems: Visualization and Manipulation of Cellular Communities
    Dates and location : 08 - 10 October 2014, Munich, Germany
    Convened by : Hernan Lopez-Schier (DE)
    Scientific report :

  3. [Exchange Grant] Gauging cell-cell tension biosensors and monolayer stress microscopy.
    Dates : 01 October 2014 for 4 weeks
    Grantee : Johan De Rooij (NL)
    Host(s) : Xavier Trepat (ES)
    Scientific report :

  4. [Short Visit] Theoretical Model of Ventral Furrow Formation in Drosophila
    Dates : 22 September 2014 for 5 days
    Grantee : Matej Krajnc (SI)
    Host(s) : Maria Leptin (DE)
    Scientific report :

  5. [Exchange Grant] Tension Sensing at the Neural Crest
    Dates : 02 August 2014 for 24 weeks
    Grantee : Elias Barriga (CL)
    Host(s) : Roberto Mayor (UK)
    Scientific report :

  6. [Short Visit] The role of septate junctions in epithelial morphogenesis in the Drosophila epidermis
    Dates : 28 July 2014 for 15 days
    Grantee : Lara Carvalho (PT)
    Host(s) : Carl-Philipp Heisenberg (AT)
    Scientific report :

  7. [Workshop] Visualisation and Manipulation of Signals and Forces in Developing Tissues
    Dates and location : 12 - 16 May 2014, Santiago, Chile
    Convened by : Miguel Concha (CL)
    Scientific report :

  8. [Short Visit] FLIM analysis of hybrid structures incorporating semiconductor quantum dots and plasmonic substrates
    Dates : 11 May 2014 for 14 days
    Grantee : Isabel Moura (PT)
    Host(s) : Yury Rakovich (ES)
    Scientific report :

  9. [Exchange Grant] Identifying mechanotransduction pathways triggering epicardial development in zebrafish embryos.
    Dates : 09 March 2014 for 7 weeks
    Grantee : Marina Peralta López (ES)
    Host(s) : Julien Vermot (FR)
    Scientific report :

  10. [Workshop] Mechanics and Growth of Tissues: From Development to Cancer
    Dates and location : 13 - 16 January 2014, Paris, France
    Convened by : Yohanns BELLAICHE (FR)
    Scientific report :

15 Events in 2013:

  1. [Conference] Geneva Physics of Biology
    Dates and location : 26 - 28 November 2013, Le Club Suisse de la Presse, Route de Ferney, Geneva
    Convened by : Aurelien Roux (CH)
    Scientific report :

  2. [Conference] 2nd BELGIAN SYMPOSIUM ON TISSUE ENGINEERING (BSTE) 2013 “micro to Macro: translating between scales’’
    Dates and location : 24 - 25 October 2013, Leuven, Belgium
    Convened by : Ioannis Papantoniou (BE)
    Scientific report :

  3. [Exchange Grant] Mechanical stress induced by cell division favours tissue's anisotropy
    Dates : 01 October 2013 for 12 weeks
    Grantee : Carles Blanch Mercader (ES)
    Host(s) : Jean François Joanny (FR)
    Scientific report :

  4. [Conference] Systems Dynamics in Endocytosis
    Dates and location : 29 September - 04 October 2013, Villars (Switzerland)
    Convened by : Marcos Gonzalez-Gaitan (CH)
    Scientific report :

  5. [Conference] Physics of Living Matter symposium, 8th edition
    Dates and location : 19 - 20 September 2013, Cambridge
    Convened by : Alexandre Kabla (UK)
    Scientific report :

  6. [Workshop] Complexity in Multicellular Environments
    Dates and location : 18 September 2013, Barcelona, Spain
    Convened by : Saul Ares (ES)
    Scientific report :

  7. [Exchange Grant] Development of in vitro bone tissue formation models through footprint free cellular reprogramming technologies
    Dates : 15 September 2013 for 14 weeks
    Grantee : Wai Long Tam (BE)
    Host(s) : Noriyuki Tsumaki (JP)
    Scientific report :

    Dates : 09 September 2013 for 15 days
    Grantee : Anna Labernadie (ES)
    Host(s) : Erik Sahai (UK)
    Scientific report :

  9. [Exchange Grant] Crosstalk between RhoGTPase signaling and cytoskeletal remodeling at the leading edge of migrating cells.
    Dates : 20 August 2013 for 24 weeks
    Grantee : Elena Nikonova (IE)
    Host(s) : Metello Innocenti (NL)
    Scientific report :

  10. [Conference] 8th European Zebrafish Meeting
    Dates and location : 09 - 13 July 2013, Barcelona
    Convened by : Berta Alsina (ES)
    Scientific report :

  11. [Conference] Physics of Emergent Behaviour
    Dates and location : 24 - 26 June 2013, Grand Hotel in Brighton, UK
    Convened by : Robert Endres (UK)
    Scientific report :

  12. [Exchange Grant] Hair cell patterning in the developing inner ear using fluorescence microscopy
    Dates : 06 May 2013 for 5 weeks
    Grantee : Pau Formosa Jordan (ES)
    Host(s) : David Sprinzak (IL)

  13. [Exchange Grant] Computational model of trabeculation of the ventricular myocardium
    Dates : 15 April 2013 for 26 weeks
    Grantee : Bouke Arjan de Boer (NL)
    Host(s) : Sigolene Meilhac (FR)
    Scientific report :

  14. [Workshop] Computational approaches to networks, cells and tissues.
    Dates and location : 10 - 11 April 2013, Barcelona, Spain
    Convened by : James Sharpe (ES)
    Scientific report :

  15. [Short Visit] Hydrodynamic analysis of Drosophila ventral invagination and germband extension
    Dates : 23 February 2013 for 3 days
    Grantee : Philippe-Alexandre Pouille (ES)
    Host(s) : Bénédicte Sanson (UK)
    Scientific report :

14 Events in 2012:

  1. [Workshop] IST Austria workshop on “Tissue and Cell Biomechanics”
    Dates and location : 29 - 30 October 2012, Vienna, Austria
    Convened by : Carl-Philipp Heisenberg (AT)
    Scientific report :

  2. [Workshop] Mechanics of Tissues
    Dates and location : 29 - 30 October 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Convened by : Primoz Ziherl (SI)
    Scientific report :

  3. [Workshop] European Training Workshop on Collaborative Multiscale Modeling of Biological Development and Disease
    Dates and location : 22 - 27 October 2012, Leiden,Netherlands
    Convened by : Maciej Swat (US)
    Scientific report :

  4. [School] Foerster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) microscopy
    Dates and location : 24 - 26 September 2012, CRG - Barcelona
    Convened by : Timo Job Kristian Zimmermann (ES)
    Scientific report :

  5. [Short Visit] Quantification and Modeling Cell Sorting at the Drosophila Embryo
    Dates : 23 September 2012 for 13 days
    Grantee : Javier Buceta (ES)
    Host(s) : Bénédicte Sanson (UK)
    Scientific report :

  6. [Other Meetings] Belgian Symposium on Tissue Engineering (BSTE) 2012
    Dates and location : 17 - 18 September 2012, Leuven, Belgium
    Convened by : Yoke Chin Chai (BE)
    Scientific report :

  7. [Workshop] Physics of Living Matter Symposium 7 (Physical Cell Meeting II)
    Dates and location : 13 - 14 September 2012, UCL
    Convened by : Buzz Baum (UK)
    Scientific report :

    Dates : 10 September 2012 for 14 weeks
    Grantee : Katerina Karkali (GR)
    Host(s) : Enrique Martin-Blanco (ES)
    Scientific report :

  9. [Short Visit] Quantitative analysis of cytoskeletal dynamics during morphogenesis
    Dates : 30 July 2012 for 15 days
    Grantee : Nicole Gorfinkiel (ES)
    Host(s) : Alfonso Martinez Arias (UK)
    Scientific report :

  10. [School] Emergent ORder in Biology
    Dates and location : 23 July - 04 August 2012, Cargese, Corsica, France
    Convened by : pierre Sens (FR)
    Scientific report :

  11. [Short Visit] A mechanical model of ventral furrow formation in the fruit fly
    Dates : 23 May 2012 for 14 days
    Grantee : Ana Hocevar Brezavscek (SI)
    Host(s) : Maria Leptin (DE)
    Scientific report :

  12. [Short Visit] Multi-Cell Modeling of Mouse Limb Bud Development
    Dates : 06 May 2012 for 14 days
    Grantee : Julio Monti Belmonte (US)
    Host(s) : James Sharpe (ES)
    Scientific report :

  13. [Exchange Grant] Interplay between chemical and mechanical guidance during collective cell migration
    Dates : 01 May 2012 for 24 weeks
    Grantee : Simon Garcia (ES)
    Host(s) : Roberto Mayor (UK)
    Scientific report :

  14. [Conference] Quantitative Models in Cell and Developmental Biology
    Dates and location : 13 - 18 February 2012, Barcelona, Spain
    Convened by : Hernan Lopez-Schier (ES)
    Scientific report :

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