Arrays of Quantum Dots and Josephson Junctions (AQDJJ)


The physics and the properties of materials at reduced dimensionality are among the main emerging issues of research in condensed matter physics. These aspects are combined in arrays of Josephson junctions (JJ), of nanoparticles and of quantum dots, which are the subject of this proposal. Arrays of these systems and their hybrid structures may display not only novel fundamental physics but also serve as a basis for future technologies. Therefore we propose to establish a network to cover these novel areas of research. In particular, special attention will be given to novel photonic methods of optical and microwave characterisation of these arrays which are contactless, fast, informative and, therefore, most efficient and simple in use.

We shall exploit our leadership in condensed matter, low temperature and nonlinear physics to explore and understand the structure and dynamics of low energy excitations in these systems, with special emphasis on the physics of various complex Josephson systems, such as Josephson ladders, long Josephson junctions and others in different geometries and types of background. We also plan to continue intensive investigations on growth of arrays of nanoparticles and on quantum dots and other properties of nanostructures. In particular we shall consider three topics which allow development of a complete picture of low and high energy excitations of Josephson junction arrays and other nanostructures: a) Physics of interaction of light and microwave radiation with nanoparticles, quantum dots, and Josephson arrays, characterization of these arrays and optical manipulation of their properties especially in the quantum regime; b) Structure and excitations in quantum dots and Josephson arrays, pattern formation and self-organization; c) Physics of growth and self-organisation of arrays of quantum dots and nanoparticles within organic matrices. For this purpose, we shall use and develop a broad variety of theoretical and experimental techniques.

Due to their high efficiency and simplicity of use the arrays of nanoparticles in organic matrices and of quantum dots as well as JJ arrays may have numerous practical and industrial applications, and may be relevant for quantum dot lasers, terahertz radiation sources, antennas, quantum computers, biotechnology and nanomagnetism. Thus, the aim of this proposal is to create a new ESF network that will allow joint theoretical and experimental efforts to investigate these novel physical systems.

Keywords: Quantum Dots, Josephson Junctions, vortices, nanoparticles, terahertz technology.

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Five years from June 2004 until June2009