Arrays of Quantum Dots and Josephson Junctions (AQDJJ)

Short visits and exchange grants

Two types of grants are available:

Short visit grants of up to 15 days
Exchange grants, from 15 days to three months

Please note that this programme is now terminated and it is no longer possible to submit an application for a grant.


1. Undertake work applicable to the Programme
2. Apply to stay in a European country other than the country of origin
3. Return to the institute of origin upon termination, so that the applicant’s institution may also benefit from the broadened knowledge of the scientist
4. Acknowledge ESF in publications resulting from the grantee’s work in relation with the grant

Priority will be given to applications where the institutions involved are in countries that financially support the programme.

Level of award

Short visit grants are reimbursed on a per diem basis of 85 EUR plus actual travel expenses up to a maximum of 500 EUR after the visit on submission of a completed balance payment form accompanied by the original travel tickets.  No payment will be made without the scientific report.

Exchange grants are reimbursed on the basis of an allowance of 1,600 EUR per month / 400 EUR per week / 57 EUR per day plus actual costs for travel, up to a maximum of 500 EUR.

Applications providing a short description of the proposed project work (about 1000 words for exchange grants and 250 words for short visit grants) and the duration of the stay should be submitted using the on-line forms.

Short visits: Application form

Exchange grants: Application form


Please note that exchange grants should be supported by a letter of recomendation from someone familiar with the applicant’s work (if appropriate), a letter of acceptance from the receiving institution and a curriculum vitae of two A4 pages.

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Final Reports (Short Visit Grants and Exchange Grants)

Name of the Grantee


Final Report

YEAR 2004

Kuerten (AT-UK)5 days(PDF 328 KB)
Boris (DE-UK)5 days(PDF 222 KB)
Kovaleva (DE-UK)5 days(PDF 68 KB)
Vagov (BE-UK)12 weeks(PDF 452 KB)

YEAR 2005

Duty (SE-DE)15 days(PDF 36 KB)
Bulgadaev (RU-UK)11 weeks(PDF 56 KB)
Ustinov (DE-UK)5 days(PDF  46 KB)
Mukharsky (FR-SE)7 days(PDF 45 KB)
Kuerten (AT-UK)6 days(PDF 677 KB)
Vagov (BE-UK)26 weeks(PDF 452 KB)
Kuerten (AT-UK)6 days(PDF 303 KB)
Vavra (SL-BE)14 weekspdf
Pardo (SP-UK)12 weekspdf

YEAR 2006

Kuerten (AT-UK)8 days
Carballeira (SP-BE)12 weekspdf
Popov (RU-UK)15 dayspdf
Malomed (IL-DE)11 dayspdf
Braggio (IT-DK)4 dayspdf
Zalipaev (RU-UK)14 dayspdf
Filatrella (IT-DK)5 dayspdf
Kuerten (AT-UK)15 dayspdf
Price (DE-UK)3 dayspdf
Greenberg (RU-DE)6 weekspdf
Patino (UK-FR)12 weekspdf
Mozhaev (RU-DK)13 weekspdf
Constantinian (RU-DK)6 weekspdf

YEAR 2007

Kuerten (AT-UK)15 dayspdf
Filatrella (IT-DK)6 dayspdf
Golubev (DE-SE)10 dayspdf
Ilichev (DE-UK)2 dayspdf
Flindt (FI-IT)5 dayspdf
Forrester (UK-AT)12 weekspdf
Constantinian (RU-DK)8 weekspdf

YEAR 2008

Lizuain (ES-DE)14 dayspdf
Kubala (DE-SE)4 dayspdf
Ghosh (IN-DE)12 weekspdf
Forrester (UK-DE)
Mozhaev (RU-DK)12 weekspdf

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