Global and geometrical aspects of nonlinear partial differential equations (GLOBAL)


To submit an application for a science meeting, please consult the guidelines for workshop organisers  and use this Application form

The GLOBAL programme has totally or partially funded the following events:


IV International Symposium on Nonlinear Equations and Free Boundary Problems
organised by Juan Luis Vazquez, Madrid
17-20 March 2009, Mar del Plata, Argentina

Conference on "Modern Topics in Nonlinear Kinetic Equations"
organised by P. Markowich, Cambridge
20-22 April 2009, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Workshop in Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs
organised by Denis Bonheure, Brussels
2-4 September 2009, Brussels, Belgium


Spring School in nonlinear partial differential equations
organised by D Bonheure, Louvain
26-30 May 2008, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Spring School on partial differential equations
organised by T. Kilpeläinen, Jyvakylä
2-6 June 2008, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

Conference: FBP08, Theory and Applications
9-13 June 2008, Stockholm, Sweden

School on Non linear parabolic equations and applications
organised by V. Liskevich, Swansea
7-11 July 2008, Swansea, United Kingdom


School in Lappland "Qualitative properties of solution to elliptic and parabolic equations"
organised by Tero Kilpelainen, Jyväskylä
5-9 June 2007, Saarriselka, Finland
For more information go to website

"GLOBAL School on PDEs: layers and dislocations"
organised by X. Cabre
18-22 June 2007, Barcelona, Spain
For more information go to website

An international conference on nonlinear diffusion organised in honour of Juan Luis Vazquez
26-29 June 2007, El Escorial, Spain
For more information go to website

Workshop on PDE and Biology
organised by J. King, M. Mimura, H. Shahgholian
9-11 July 2007, KTH, Stockholm
For more information go to website

Random Phenomena in Partial Differential Equations
organised by Henrik Shahgholian, KTH Stockholm
January - December 2007, WPI Activity


Spring Workshop on "Nonlinear Diffusion Equations and related PDEs"
organised by Juan Luis Vazquez
5-7 April 2006, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Workshop on "Discontinuous change in behaviour issues in partial differential equations"
organised by Ionanis Athanasopoulos, Heraklion
10-16 June 2006, Anogia, Crete

Conference on "Nonlinear PDEs: Homogenization and Kinetic Equations"
Organised by Peter Markowich
26-30 June 2006, Kreiskyforum, Wien, Austria

2006 Summer School in the Swiss Alps
organised by Catherine Bandle
2-8 July 2006, Evolène (VS) Switzerland

Conference  "Nonlinear PDE and FBP"
17-20 August 2006, St. Petersbrug, Russia

PDE Approaches to Image Processing
organised by Bernd Kawohl, Köln
7-10 October 2006, Cologne, Germany


Conference on "Free Boundary Problems"
organised by J.F. Rodrigues, Coimbra and Lisbon
to take place on 7-12  June 2005 in Coimbra, Portugal go to website

Workshop on "Classics in PDE" in the honour of Nina Uraltseva (70th birthday)
1-4 June 2005, Stockholm, Sweden go to website

Workshop "PDEs in Industry and Engineering"
orgnaised by Peter A. Markowich and Jorge P. Zubelli
26-30 June 2005, Vienna/Strobl, Austria

NLPDE05: Summer School on "Non Linear PDEs"
Wolfgang Pauli Institute
19-27 July 2005, Vienna, Austria go to website

Workshop on "PDE and Mathematical Science"
organised by T. Arnarson, G. Papnicolaou, H. Shahgholian, R. Sircar
15-19 August 2005, Stockholm go to website

Worskhop on "Entropy Methods in PDE Theory and in Stochastics"
organised by Anton Arnold and Ansfar Jüngel
23-25 November 2005, University of Mainz, Germany go to website


Workshop on "Global and Geometric Asepcts in Nonlinear PDE"
organised by A. Hakobyan and M. Pogoshyan
6-12 October 2004, Yerevan, Armenia go to website

International Workshop on Nonlinear PDE
organised by Peter A. Markowich and Mehrdad Shahshahani
5-16 December 2004, Teheran go to website

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