Methods of Integrable Systems, Geometry, Applied Mathematics (MISGAM)

Workshops and Conferences

Please note that this programme is now terminated and it is no longer possible to submit an application for a science meeting.

To submit an application for a science meeting, please consult the guidelines for workshop organisers  and use this Application form

The MISGAM programme decided to finance or co-finance the following events


Workshop on "Analytic Geometric theory of the Camassa-Holm equation and Integrable Systems"
Bologna, 22-25 September 2004
This workshop is co-funded by GNFM-INdAM, Italy) go to website


Workshop on "Random Matrices and Other Random Objects"
FIM, ETH-Zurich, 17-21 May 2005
Org. Giovanni Felder , ETH Zurich go to website

Workshop on "Geometry and Integrable Systems"
Berlin,3-7 June 2005
Org. Professor A. Bobenko go to website

Conference on "Riemann-Hilbert problems, Asymptotics and Integrability "
SISSA, Trieste, 20-25 September 2005
Org. Tamara Grava, SISSA, Italy go to website


Workshop on "Riemann Surfaces - Analytical and Numerical Methods"
Leipzig, 31 May 2006
Org. Professor Christian Klein, Leipzig

Conference on "Affine Hecke algebras, the Langlands Program, Conformal Field Theory and Matrix Models"
CIRM, Luminy (France) 19 June - 14 July 2006
Org. Professor Vladimir Kazakov, Paris go to website

Conference on "Integrable Systems in Applied Mathematics"
Madrid, 7-12 September 2006
Org. Professor Luis Martinez  Alonso, Madrid go to website

Workshop on "Random Matrices"
CIRM, Luminy (France), 30 October - 3 November 2006
Org. Dr. Arnoldus Kuijlaars, Leuven, Belgium go to website


Conference in honor of Murray Gerstenhaber's 80th and Jim Stasheff's 70th birthdays
"Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics"
IHP Paris, 15-19 January 2007
Organisers:  A. Cattaneo and Ping Xu

Workshop on "Tropical Geometry and Applications"
Loughborough University, 20-23 April 2007
Org. E.V. Ferapontov, R. Halburd and A. Veselov

Aspects of Membrane Dynamics
KTH Stockholm, 11-23 June 2007
Organisers: J. Hoppe and S. Hwang

Conference on Mathematical Physics
KTH Stockholm, 25-28 June 2007
Organisers: J. Hoppe, E. Langmann, A. Laptev and K. Johansson

Algebraic Aspects of Integrability
Islay, Scotland, 3-7 July 2007
Organisers: C. Athorne, M. Feigin, C. Gilson, J. Nimmo and I. Strachan

Workshop  on "Random and Integrable Models in Mathematics and Physics"
Brussels, 11-15 September 2007
Org. Professor P. Van Moerbeke


Workshop Integrability in AdS/CFT,
29-31 January 2008, Utrecht.
Organizers: G. Arutyunov, L. Hoevenaars, J. van de Leur

School Poisson 2008
1-4 July 2008, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Organizers: A. Alekseev, A. Cattaneo.

Workshop Poisson 2008
7-11 July 2008, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Organizers: A. Alekseev, A. Cattaneo T. Ratiu.

Workshop "Frobenius Manifolds and singularity", Bedewo, Poland,
25-29 August 2008, Bedewo, Poland
Organizers: S. Janeczko, T. Maszezyk, A.Panasyuk,
Scientific Committee: B. Dubrovin, C. Herling, C. Sabbah.

School/Workshop "From Integrable Structures to Topological Strings and back", 8-12 September 2008, SISSA, Trieste
Organizers: G. Bonelli, A. Tanzini.

Workshop "Geometry and Integrability"
13-20 December 2008, Obergurgl, Austria
Organizers: A.I. Bobenko and B.A. Dubrovin.

MISGAM will also give partial support to the conference:
Geometry and Integrability in Mathematical Physics 2008 (GIMP'08)
15-19 September 2008, CIRM, Luminy, France
Organiser: Dr. Paul Zinn-Justin


Conference "Nonlinear Evolutions and dynamical Systems Conferences" NEEDS 2009
5-16 May 2009; Ossola Rossa, Sardegna, Italy
Organiser: Dr. Marta Mazzocco, Loughborough

Conference "Mathematics and Physics of Integrable Systems"
28 June - 02 July 2009, Dijon
Organiser: Professor Christian Klein

V Brunel Workhop on Random Matric Theory
18-19 December 2009, Brunel University West London
Organiser: Professor Gernot Akemann, Uxbridge

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