Spectral Theory and Partial Differential Equations (SPECT)

Travel Grants for Collaborative Research Projects

The SPECT Programme will support a small number of visits between different European countries to develop or continue collaborative research projects which are directly relevant to the aims of the Programme.  Priority will be given to visits involving institutes in the countries financially supporting the SPECT Programme (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Israel).

Visits should be for a minimum of one week and normally up to one month. 

According to the standard ESF support rates, for visits of up to two weeks, a per diem of 85 EUR will be paid, plus actual travel expenses of up to 500 EUR.  For visits of between 2 weeks and 1 month, a subsistence allowance of 400 EUR per week will be paid, plus actual travel expenses of up to 500 EUR.

Applications will be dealt with on a rolling basis and should be submitted not less than two weeks before the planned visit.

Applicants should first contact their proposed host for a letter (or e-mail) of acceptance.

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Applications should be submitted online

You will be required to attach to your application one document with the following information:

1) A short description of the proposed project work (about 1000 words) and the aim of the visit

2) A curriculum vitae of two A4 pages

3) Five most recent publications

4) A letter of recommendation from someone familiar with the applicant’s work

5) A letter of acceptance from the host at the receiving institute

Please ensure that your document is ready before proceeding.  Note that the document should be in .pdf or .doc format and should not exceed 5MB in size.

You will also be required to enter online the full contact details of your host(s) (including email address), the proposed starting date of your visit, and the estimated travel costs. 

Please note that your computer system must be able to accept cookies in order to complete the application form.

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