[Workshop] Electronic structure at the cutting edge with the Elk code
Dates and location : 10 - 14 August 2015, Lausanne CECAM HQ
Convened by : Sangeeta Sahrma (####)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Next generation quantum based molecular dynamics: challenges and perspectives
Dates and location : 20 - 24 July 2015, University of Bremen
Convened by : Thomas Frauenheim (DE)
Scientific report :
[Conference] Future Technologies in Automated Atomistic Simulations
Dates and location : 08 - 10 June 2015, EPFL
Convened by : Nicola Marzari (CH)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Methods and Algorithms in Electronic-Structure Theory
Dates and location : 03 - 06 June 2015, Ringberg Castle, Germany
Convened by : Matthias Scheffler (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 12th ETSF Young Researchers' Meeting: Challenges in ab initio modelling of materials and molecules
Dates and location : 01 - 05 June 2015, Jussieu campus, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (France)
Convened by : Claudia Rödl (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Electron-vibration coupling : theoretical and numerical challenges
Dates and location : 27 - 29 May 2015, CECAM Lousanne Headquarter
Convened by : Andrea Marini (IT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Si-SiC core-shell nanowires: ab initio modelling of electronic properties
Dates : 19 May 2015 for 14 days
Grantee : Michele Amato (FR)
Host(s) : Riccardo Rurali (ES)
Scientific report :
[School] Theoretical Spectroscopy Lectures
Dates and location : 18 - 22 May 2015, Lausanne
Convened by : Francesco Sottile (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] From Many-Body Hamiltonians to Machine Learning and Back
Dates and location : 11 - 13 May 2015, Berlin, Germany
Convened by : Matthias Rupp (CH)
Scientific report :
[Conference] Workshop on Materials Science for Energy Storage
Dates and location : 11 - 15 May 2015, The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy
Convened by : Ralph Gebauer (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] AbInit Developer’s Workshop 2015 (ABIDEV)
Dates and location : 28 - 30 April 2015, Liege Belgium
Convened by : Matthieu Verstraete (BE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Perspectives of many- particle methods: Total energy, spectroscopy and time-dependent dynamics
Dates and location : 20 - 24 April 2015, Bremen, University of Bremen
Convened by : Thomas Frauenheim (DE)
Scientific report :
[School] Excitations in Realistic Materials using Yambo on Massively Parallel Architectures
Dates and location : 13 - 17 April 2015, Lousanne, CECAM Headquarter
Convened by : Andrea Marini (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Emergent structural and electronic phenomena at interfaces of nanoscale oxides
Dates and location : 08 - 10 April 2015, CECAM headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland
Convened by : Henrik Grönbeck (SE)
Scientific report :
[Conference] International Workshop on Computational Physics and Materials Science: Total Energy and Force Methods
Dates and location : 15 - 17 January 2015, Trieste, Italy
Convened by : Erik Koch (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] First-principles study of second-order Resonance Raman scattering
Dates : 13 October 2014 for 15 days
Grantee : Yannick Gillet (BE)
Host(s) : Claudia Draxl (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Quasiparticle spectrum of superconductor-metal heterojunctions
Dates : 11 October 2014 for 15 days
Grantee : Gábor Csire (HU)
Host(s) : James Annett (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Dynamical exchange-correlation corrections to Kohn-Sham conductances
Dates : 11 October 2014 for 7 days
Grantee : Stefan Kurth (ES)
Host(s) : Gianluca Stefanucci (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 19th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations: Complex systems in Biology and Nanoscience
Dates and location : 23 - 26 September 2014, Zaragoza (Spain)
Convened by : Zeila Zanolli (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 3rd TYC Energy Materials Workshop: Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage
Dates and location : 10 - 12 September 2014, London, UK
Convened by : Jochen Blumberger (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 52nd European High Pressure Research Group International Meeting
Dates and location : 07 - 12 September 2014, Lyon (France)
Convened by : Miguel Alexandre Marques (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] HoW exciting! Hands-on Workshop on Excitations in Solids 2014
Dates and location : 31 July - 07 August 2014, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Convened by : Pasquale Pavone (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] (Towards) Room Temperature Superconductivity
Dates and location : 01 - 05 July 2014, Lorentz Center Leiden
Convened by : Antonio Sanna (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] What about U? – Corrective approaches to DFT for strongly-correlated systems
Dates and location : 18 - 21 June 2014, Lausanne
Convened by : Silke Biermann (FR)
Scientific report :
[Conference] White nights of materials science: From physics and chemistry to data analysis, and back
Dates and location : 16 - 20 June 2014, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Convened by : Sergey Levchenko (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Understanding Polytypism in Group IV Nanowires from an Ab initio perspective
Dates : 15 June 2014 for 15 days
Grantee : Michele Amato (FR)
Host(s) : Riccardo Rurali (ES)
Scientific report :
[Conference] Catalysis from rst principles (Cat1P): Heterogeneous catalysis meets electrocatalysis
Dates and location : 25 - 28 May 2014, Castle Reisensburg near Guenzburg/ Germany
Convened by : Axel Gross (DE)
Scientific report :
[Conference] Materials Challenges in Devices for Fuel Solar Production and Employment
Dates and location : 19 - 23 May 2014, The Abdus Salam ICTP in Trieste (Italy)
Convened by : Alessandro De Vita (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] ETSF Young Researchers' Meeting 2014: evolution of ab-initio methods for condensed matter - connection with experiments and industry
Dates and location : 12 - 16 May 2014, Rome
Convened by : Claudia Violante (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Charge transport in organic materials
Dates and location : 31 March - 04 May 2014, Bremen
Convened by : Thomas Frauenheim (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Dynamical exchange-correlation effects in molecular junctions using time-dependent density functional theory
Dates : 08 March 2014 for 8 days
Grantee : Gianluca Stefanucci (IT)
Host(s) : Stefan Kurth (ES)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] TRNM VII - Towards reality in nanoscale materials: Energy materials
Dates and location : 10 - 12 February 2014, Levi, Finland
Convened by : Adam Foster (FI)
Scientific report :
[Other Meetings] 6th School and Workshop on Time Dependent Density Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications
Dates and location : 05 - 17 January 2014, Benasque, Spain
Convened by : ALBERTO CASTRO (ES)
Scientific report :
[School] Workshop "Computational exploration of atomistic structures and interrelation with physical properties" and Tutorial "hands-on-FPLO"
Dates and location : 04 - 08 November 2013, IFW Dresden, Germany
Convened by : Manuel Richter (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Modeling Single-Molecule Junctions: Novel Spectroscopies and Control
Dates and location : 14 - 16 October 2013, CECAM HQ, Laussane
Convened by : Ignacio Franco (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Dynamical exchange-correlation effects in electron transport
Dates : 12 October 2013 for 7 days
Grantee : Stefan Kurth (####)
Host(s) : Gianluca Stefanucci (IT)
Scientific report :
[Conference] 18th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations: Applications to functional and energy materials
Dates and location : 01 - 04 October 2013, Luxembourg (Luxembourg )
Convened by : Myrta Gruning (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Nanophononics
Dates and location : 19 - 23 September 2013, Bremen
Convened by : Thomas Frauenheim (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Electronic properties of spin-orbit driven oxides
Dates and location : 04 - 07 September 2013, IFW Dresden, Germany
Convened by : Roser Valenti (DE)
Scientific report :
[Conference] CPMD 2013: Energy, matter, life from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations
Dates and location : 02 - 06 September 2013, Leipzig, Germany
Convened by : Barbara Kirchner (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Workshop on the full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method and dynamical mean-field theory for correlation effects in solids
Dates and location : 26 - 30 August 2013, Hanasaari conference center/Otaniemi campus area, Espoo, Finland
Convened by : Torbjörn Björkman (FI)
Scientific report :
[School] Hands-on workshop “Density-functional theory and beyond: Computational materials science for real materials”
Dates and location : 06 - 15 August 2013, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
Convened by : Carsten Baldauf (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps / Quantum Monte Carlo and the CASINO program
Dates and location : 27 July - 11 August 2013, Vallico Sotto, Italy
Convened by : Michael David Towler (UK)
Scientific report :
[School] Basic Concepts and First-Principles Computations for Surface Science: Applications in Chemical Energy Conversion and Storage
Dates and location : 21 - 26 July 2013, Norderney, Germany
Convened by : Karsten Reuter (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Electronic structure at the cutting edge with Elk code
Dates and location : 08 - 13 July 2013, Lausanne
Convened by : Sangeeta Sharma (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Electron-phonon and exciton-phonon coupling from many-body perturbation theory: an ab-initio study
Dates : 07 July 2013 for 5 days
Grantee : Maurizia Palummo (####)
Host(s) : Elena Cannuccia (FR)
Scientific report :
[Conference] Density Functional Theory: Learning from the past, looking to the future
Dates and location : 02 - 05 July 2013, Berlin, Germany
Convened by : Stefan Kurth (ES)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Liquid/Solid interfaces: Structure and dynamics from spectroscopy and simulations
Dates and location : 24 - 26 June 2013, Lausanne (Switzerland)
Convened by : Marialore Sulpizi (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Computation meets experiment: KKR Greens functions for calculations of spectroscopic, transport and magnetic properties
Dates and location : 22 - 24 June 2013, Warwick, UK
Convened by : Julie Staunton (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Electronic structure calculations with the GPAW code: Users and developers meeting
Dates and location : 20 - 22 June 2013, Technical University of Denmark
Convened by : Kristian Sommer Thygesen (DK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Stabilized noble metal nanoparticles, recent advances and present challenges
Dates and location : 12 - 14 June 2013, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
Convened by : Olga Lopez Acevedo (FI)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Novel 2D materials: tuning electronic properties on the atomic scale
Dates and location : 11 - 14 June 2013, Bremen
Convened by : Thomas Frauenheim (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Time-dependent Many-Body methods to ultrafast electron dynamics
Dates : 09 June 2013 for 8 days
Grantee : Gianluca Stefanucci (IT)
Host(s) : Robert van Leeuwen (FI)
Scientific report :
[School] Summer school on ab initio Molecular Dynamics for Biomolecules
Dates and location : 09 - 14 June 2013, S. Stefano di Sessanio (L'Aquila) Italy
Convened by : Leonardo Guidoni (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Theory, Simulation and Modelling of SiGe Nanostructures: from Nanoelectronics to Renewable Energy
Dates and location : 03 - 06 June 2013, CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Convened by : Michele Amato (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] New Trends in Topological Insulators
Dates and location : 03 - 06 June 2013, Sant Feliu de Guixols (Girona) - SPAIN
Convened by : Stephan Roche (ES)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 10th ETSF Young Researchers’ Meeting
Dates and location : 20 - 24 May 2013, Budapest, Hungary
Convened by : Márton Vörös (HU)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Physics Boat Workshop 2013: Characterizing nanostructures with ab initio simulations and microscopy experiments
Dates and location : 15 - 17 May 2013, Baltic sea
Convened by : Adam Stuart Foster (FI)
Scientific report :
[School] Theoretical Spectroscopy Lectures
Dates and location : 13 - 17 May 2013, Lausanne - Suisse
Convened by : Francesco Sottile (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 6th International ABINIT Developer Workshop
Dates and location : 15 - 19 April 2013, Dinard (France)
Convened by : Marc TORRENT (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Materials chemomechanics at the atomic-scale: modelling and experiments
Dates and location : 15 - 18 April 2013, CECAM, Lausanne (Switzerland)
Convened by : Alessandro De Vita (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Molecular electronics: Quo vadis ?
Dates and location : 19 - 23 March 2013, Bremen
Convened by : Thomas Frauenheim (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Calculation of Optical Properties of Nanostructures from First Principles
Dates and location : 18 - 22 February 2013, Lausanne, EPFL
Convened by : Gabriel Bester (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Conductances of nanoscale junctions from TDDFT
Dates : 03 February 2013 for 7 days
Grantee : Gianluca Stefanucci (IT)
Host(s) : Stefan Kurth (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Dynamical exchange-correlation effects in the conductance of nanoscale devices
Dates : 20 October 2012 for 7 days
Grantee : Stefan Kurth (ES)
Host(s) : Gianluca Stefanucci (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Computational challenges in CO2 reduction
Dates and location : 08 - 12 October 2012, Bremen
Convened by : Thomas Frauenheim (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 17th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations: Advanced Green function methods
Dates and location : 02 - 05 October 2012, Coimbra (Portugal)
Convened by : Myrta Grüning (PT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Functional Molecules on Surfaces: New Building Blocks for Nano-spintronics
Dates and location : 01 - 03 October 2012, Juelich/Bonn (Germany)
Convened by : Valerio Bellini (IT)
Scientific report :
[Conference] 2012 EMRS Fall Meeting Symposium J: “Computer modelling in nanoscience and nanotechnology: an atomic-scale perspective II”
Dates and location : 17 - 20 September 2012, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
Convened by : Carla Molteni (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Graphene: from band structure to many-body physics
Dates and location : 03 - 07 September 2012, Bremen
Convened by : Tim Oliver Wehling (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Density Functional Theory and Beyond with Numeric Atom-Centered Orbitals - FHI-aims Users' and Developers' Meeting
Dates and location : 28 - 31 August 2012, Lausanne (CECAM)
Convened by : Volker Blum (DE)
Scientific report :
[Conference] Towards First-Principles Description of van der Waals Interactions in Complex Materials
Dates and location : 28 - 31 August 2012, CECAM Lausanne
Convened by : Alexandre Tkatchenko (DE)
Scientific report :
[School] The 2012 CAMD Summer School on Electronic Structure Theory and Materials Design
Dates and location : 12 - 17 August 2012, Lyngby, Denmark
Convened by : Kristian Sommer Thygesen (DK)
Scientific report :
[Other Meetings] Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps VII / Quantum Monte Carlo and the CASINO program VII (international workshop and summer school)
Dates and location : 28 July - 12 August 2012, Apuan Alps Centre for Physics, Vallico Sotto, Italy
Convened by : Mike Towler (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] International Symposium and Workshop on Electron Correlations and Materials Properties of Alloys and Compounds
Dates and location : 09 - 13 July 2012, Peloponnese Conference Center, AKS Hotel, Porto Heli, Greece
Convened by : Igor Abrikosov (SE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Efficient localised orbitals for large systems, strong correlations and excitations
Dates and location : 02 - 05 July 2012, Cambridge, U.K.
Convened by : David O'Regan (CH)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Machine learning techniques for atomistic simulations
Dates and location : 20 - 23 June 2012, Lugano, Switzerland
Convened by : Gareth Aneurin Tribello (CH)
Scientific report :
[Conference] 2nd TYC Conference: Charge Transfer for Energy Applications
Dates and location : 06 - 08 June 2012, London, UK
Convened by : Jochen Blumberger (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Quantum transport in molecular nanostructures
Dates and location : 22 - 25 May 2012, Dublin, Ireland
Convened by : Kristian Sommer Thygesen (DK)
Scientific report :
[Other Meetings] ETSF Young Researchers' Meeting 2012 : Revolutions in ab initio, closing the circle between theory and experiment
Dates and location : 21 - 25 May 2012, Brussels (Belgium)
Convened by : David Waroquiers (BE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Chemical and topological functionalization of graphitic surfaces: open challenges for computational modeling
Dates and location : 23 - 25 April 2012, Lausanne
Convened by : Stefano Fabris (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Towards reality in nanoscale materials: interfaces
Dates and location : 20 - 22 February 2012, Levi, Finland
Convened by : Adam Foster (FI)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Dynamical correlation effects in quantum transpport
Dates : 12 February 2012 for 7 days
Grantee : Gianluca Stefanucci (IT)
Host(s) : Stefan Kurth (ES)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Computational Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science from First Principles
Dates and location : 12 - 14 January 2012, Barcelona
Convened by : Pablo Ordejon (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Accurate electronic structure calculations on transition metal defects in silicon carbide polytypes
Dates : 10 January 2012 for 15 days
Grantee : Viktor Ivády (HU)
Host(s) : Erik Janzén (SE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] The above two committees have recommended that your workshop / tutorial Topological insulators and non-perturbative spin-orbit coupling
Dates and location : 09 - 11 January 2012, CECAM/EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Convened by : Oleg Yazyev (CH)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 5th School & Workshop on “Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications”
Dates and location : 04 - 18 January 2012, Benasque, Spain
Convened by : Alberto Castro (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Non-equilibrium dynamics from first principles
Dates : 01 December 2011 for 15 days
Grantee : Andrea Marini (IT)
Host(s) : Xavier Blase (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Advanced Concepts in ab-initio Simulations of Materials
Dates and location : 10 - 14 October 2011, University Bremen
Convened by : Thomas Frauenheim (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Photo- meets Electrocatalysis: United We Split (…Water)
Dates and location : 04 - 07 October 2011, Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst (Germany)
Convened by : Thorsten Klüner (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] The Behavior of 4f electrons in Lanthanides metal under pressure by implenting LDA+U in FPLO with Wannier function
Dates : 29 September 2011 for 14 days
Grantee : Weiwei Sun (SE)
Host(s) : Klaus Koepernik (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 16th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations Bridging theory and experiment
Dates and location : 27 - 30 September 2011, Turin(Italy)
Convened by : Myrta Grüning (PT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Self-interaction correction: state of the art and new directions
Dates and location : 19 - 21 September 2011, Chester, United Kingdom
Convened by : Martin Lueders (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Perspectives and challenges of many- particle methods: efficient strategies and tools for describing complex systems
Dates and location : 19 - 23 September 2011, University of Bremen
Convened by : Thomas Frauenheim (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Superconductivity 100 years later: a computational approach
Dates and location : 15 - 18 September 2011, Hotel Porto Conte, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy
Convened by : Sandro Massidda (IT)
Scientific report :
[Conference] CPMD2011: Extending the limits of ab-initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Materials Science and Biophysics
Dates and location : 05 - 09 September 2011, Barcelona
Convened by : Roberto Car (US)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Strong Correlation from First Principles
Dates and location : 30 August - 02 September 2011, Kloster Seeon
Convened by : Patrick Rinke (DE)
Scientific report :
[Conference] Charge transfer in biosystems
Dates and location : 17 - 22 July 2011, Obergurgl
Convened by : Rosa Di Felice (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Hands-On Tutorial: Density Functional Theory and Beyond, Concepts and Applications
Dates and location : 12 - 21 July 2011, Harnackhaus, Berlin, Germany
Convened by : Heiko Appel (DE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] X-ray spectroscopy : recent advances in modelling and new challenges
Dates and location : 11 - 13 July 2011, Zurich, Switzerland
Convened by : Marcella Iannuzzi (CH)
Scientific report :
[School] Psi-k/CECAM/CCP9 biennial graduate school in electronic-structure methods
Dates and location : 10 - 15 July 2011, Oxford
Convened by : Walter Temmerman (UK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Workshop on KKR and related Greens function methods
Dates and location : 08 - 10 July 2011, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics Halle
Convened by : Arthur Ernst (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Coherent Energy Transfer in the FMO complex
Dates : 18 June 2011 for 7 days
Grantee : Marco Masia (IT)
Host(s) : David Cocker (IE)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Challenges and solutions in GW calculations for complex systems
Dates and location : 07 - 10 June 2011, CECAM Headquarters, Lausanne
Convened by : Feliciano Giustino (UK)
Scientific report :
[Conference] Psi-k Research Conference: Cat1P
Dates and location : 22 - 26 May 2011, Magleås, Denmark
Convened by : Thomas Bligaard (DK)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 5th International ABINIT Developer Workshop
Dates and location : 11 - 14 April 2011, Han-sur-lesse (Belgium)
Convened by : Xavier GONZE (BE)
Scientific report :
[Other Meetings] Psi-k Scientific Get-Together
Dates and location : 16 March 2011, Dresden, Germany
Convened by : Peter H. Dederichs (DE)
Scientific report :
[Conference] Symposium "Theory and computation of electronic structure: new frontiers" at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Physikalisches Gemeinschaft
Dates and location : 13 - 18 March 2011, Dresden (Germany)
Convened by : Xavier GONZE (BE)
Scientific report :