[Short Visit] Broadband saturable absorption in graphene and its application to femtosecond mode-locked lasers
Dates : 05 May 2014 for 15 days
Grantee : Tiago Pinto (PT)
Host(s) : Rosa Weigand (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Collaboration on proton acceleration by ultrashort intense pulses
Dates : 26 April 2014 for 7 days
Grantee : Jiri Limpouch (CZ)
Host(s) : Arie Zigler (IL)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Toward experimental tests of strong-field QED
Dates : 23 March 2014 for 7 days
Grantee : Anton Ilderton (SE)
Host(s) : Viorica Florescu (RO)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Set-up of an X-ray diagnostic to characterize fast electrons
Dates : 10 March 2014 for 12 days
Grantee : Roberto Benocci (IT)
Host(s) : Joao Jorge Santos (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Ultrafast studies of ion induced damage in matter
Dates : 03 February 2014 for 15 days
Grantee : Lovisa Senje (SE)
Host(s) : Matthew Zepf (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Demonstration of a novel single-shot ultrafast diagnostic based on the dispersion-scan technique using sub-4 fs laser pulses.
Dates : 17 January 2014 for 15 days
Grantee : John W.G. Tisch (UK)
Host(s) : Helder Crespo (PT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Characterization and optimization of a new ultra-broadband high-energy light source for attosecond science using the dispersion-scan technique
Dates : 15 January 2014 for 4 days
Grantee : Rosa Romero (PT)
Host(s) : Rodrigo Lopez-Martens (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Characterization and optimization of a new ultra-broadband high-energy light source for attosecond science using the dispersion-scan technique
Dates : 13 January 2014 for 4 days
Grantee : Helder Crespo (PT)
Host(s) : Rodrigo Lopez-Martens (FR)
Scientific report :
[Conference] The Third Conference on High Intensity Laser and Atto-second science in Israel (CHILI 2013)
Dates and location : 02 - 04 December 2013, Tel Aviv, Israel
Convened by : Ishay Pomerantz (US)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] The study of the optical properties of water compressed at pressures of several Megabar by laser-driven shock waves.
Dates : 30 November 2013 for 3 weeks
Grantee : Katarzyna Jakubowska (PL)
Host(s) : Dimitri Batani (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Measurement of Ti:Sa pulse duration and fast metrology
Dates : 27 November 2013 for 9 days
Grantee : Luca Antonelli (IT)
Host(s) : Arie Zigler (IL)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] First CETAL-Petawatt Workshop
Dates and location : 19 - 20 November 2013, Magurele, Romania
Convened by : Viorica Stancalie (RO)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Laser shock compression: numerical analysis for experiment
Dates : 02 November 2013 for 15 days
Grantee : Abutrab Aliverdiev (RU)
Host(s) : Dimitri Batani (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Radiation pressure acceleration of ions at ultra-high laser intensities using enhanced ultra-thin polymer foils
Dates : 02 September 2013 for 15 days
Grantee : Lovisa Senje (SE)
Host(s) : Thomas-Uwe Kuehl (DE)
Scientific report :
[School] Atoms and Plasmas in Super Intense Laser Fields
Dates and location : 21 - 31 July 2013, Erice, Sicily, Italy
Convened by : Dimitri Batani (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Attosecond pulse generation using sub-4-fs pulses
Dates : 03 June 2013 for 15 days
Grantee : Warein Holgado (ES)
Host(s) : Helder Crespo (PT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Direct-Drive and Fast Ignition Workshop
Dates and location : 06 - 08 May 2013, Rome, Italy
Convened by : Stefano ATZENI (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] HiPER Forum
Dates and location : 19 April 2013, Prague
Convened by : Dimitri Batani (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Compression of ultrashort laser pulses at the 100 mJ energy level to the few-optical‐cycle regime using planar hollow waveguides
Dates : 08 April 2013 for 15 days
Grantee : Amélie Jarnac (FR)
Host(s) : Cord Arnold (SE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Compression of ultrashort laser pulses at the 100 mJ energy level to the few-optical‐cycle regime using planar hollow waveguides
Dates : 08 April 2013 for 15 days
Grantee : Aurelien Houard (FR)
Host(s) : Cord Arnold (SE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Above-threshold ionization of hydrogen and hydrogen-like ions in short X-ray pulses
Dates : 21 January 2013 for 7 days
Grantee : Henri Bachau (FR)
Host(s) : Viorica Florescu (RO)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Portable VISAR interferometer
Dates : 20 January 2013 for 7 days
Grantee : Michaela Martinkova (CZ)
Host(s) : Dimitri Batani (FR)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Laser-matter interaction: numerical analysis for experiment
Dates : 07 January 2013 for 8 weeks
Grantee : Abutrab Aliverdiev (RU)
Host(s) : Dimitri Batani (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Study of stopping mechanisms acting on fast electrons
Dates : 12 December 2012 for 3 days
Grantee : Dimitri Batani (FR)
Host(s) : Javier Honrubia (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Absolute reflectivity measurement of spherically bent crystals
Dates : 07 December 2012 for 15 days
Grantee : Sergey Pikuz (RU)
Host(s) : Dimitri Batani (FR)
Scientific report :
[Conference] The Second Conference on High Intensity Laser and Atto-second phenomena in Israel (CHILI 2012)
Dates and location : 03 - 05 December 2012, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Convened by : ishay pomerantz (US)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Numerical simulation of interaction of femtosecond laser pulses with pre-formed plasma targets
Dates : 29 September 2012 for 7 days
Grantee : Yuriy Tyshetskiy (AU)
Host(s) : Luis Silva (PT)
Scientific report :
Dates and location : 24 - 28 September 2012, FARO, PORTUGAL
Convened by : José Tito Mendonca (PT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Frontiers in Intense Laser Matter Interaction Theory - FILMITh
Dates and location : 18 - 21 September 2012, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany
Convened by : Armin Scrinzi (DE)
Scientific report :
[Conference] The International Committee on Ultra-High Intensity Lasers (ICUIL 2012 Conference)
Dates and location : 16 - 21 September 2012, Mamaia, ROMANIA
Convened by : Viorica STANCALIE (RO)
Scientific report :
[Conference] 32nd European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter (ECLIM)
Dates and location : 10 - 14 September 2012, Warsaw, Poland
Convened by : Henryk Fiedorowicz (PL)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Detection systems for time resolved MOKE studies in magnetic films and nanostructures
Dates : 02 July 2012 for 13 days
Grantee : Ana Sofia Vieira Silva (PT)
Host(s) : Alexey Kimel (NL)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] laser-matter interactions
Dates : 21 June 2012 for 10 days
Grantee : luca volpe (IT)
Host(s) : Jerzy Wolowski (PL)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Study of fast electron transport in Warm Dense Matter
Dates : 20 June 2012 for 8 weeks
Grantee : alessio morace (IT)
Host(s) : Harry McLean (US)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 10th Direct Drive and Fast Ignition Workshop
Dates and location : 27 - 30 May 2012, Prague, Czech Republic
Convened by : Jiri Limpouch (CZ)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] HX ion pair dissociation investigations using REMPI TOF
Dates : 06 May 2012 for 15 days
Grantee : Stephen Walker (CA)
Host(s) : Christof Maul (DE)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Numerical analysis of fast electron transport in planar compressed targets
Dates : 03 May 2012 for 12 days
Grantee : Xavier Vaisseau (FR)
Host(s) : Jose Javier Honrubia (ES)
Scientific report :
[School] Tulip V Summer School: Modern Developments in Spectroscopy
Dates and location : 10 - 13 April 2012, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Convened by : Maurice H.M. Janssen (NL)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] HiPER Participants' Forum and Fellow Meeting
Dates and location : 02 - 03 February 2012, Bordeaux, France
Convened by : Jean-Christophe Chanteloup (FR)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Physics with PETAL
Dates and location : 08 - 09 December 2011, Bordeaux (France)
Convened by : Dimitri Batani (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Ultra-short laser pulse characterization using dispersion scans
Dates : 19 November 2011 for 8 days
Grantee : Miguel Miranda (PT)
Host(s) : Rosa Weigand (ES)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Non local electrons hydrodynamic modelling
Dates : 04 November 2011 for 4 weeks
Grantee : Alberto Marocchino (IT)
Host(s) : Vladimir Tikhonchuk (FR)
Scientific report :
[Conference] 3rd International Conference on Ultraintense Laser Interaction Science (ULIS 2011)
Dates and location : 10 - 13 October 2011, Lisbon, Portugal
Convened by : Mauro Henriques (PT)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Fast Electron Transport in Diamond: Elucidating the role of solid state structure
Dates : 05 October 2011 for 6 weeks
Grantee : Matthias Burza (SE)
Host(s) : Paul McKenna (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Study of laser coupling in Shock Ignition related regime
Dates : 30 September 2011 for 14 days
Grantee : Gerard Malka (FR)
Host(s) : Jiri Ullschmied (CZ)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] experiment on laser-matter interaction
Dates : 16 September 2011 for 7 days
Grantee : Luca volpe (IT)
Host(s) : Jerzy Wolowski (PL)
Scientific report :
[School] Atoms and Plasmas in Super-Intense Laser fields
Dates and location : 14 - 24 July 2011, Erice, Italy
Convened by : Dimitri Batani (IT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Ultrafast Dynamics of multichannel continua and autoionizing states
Dates : 06 June 2011 for 12 days
Grantee : Andreas Lyras (GR)
Host(s) : Henri Bachau (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Fast Electron Hydrodynamic modeling for shock ignition physics
Dates : 01 June 2011 for 4 days
Grantee : Alberto Marocchino (IT)
Host(s) : Vladimir Tikhonchuk (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Collisioless absorption, fast electron spectrum and electron motion under radiation reaction
Dates : 16 May 2011 for 15 days
Grantee : Peter Mulser (DE)
Host(s) : Dimitri Batani (IT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Collective stopping power of the fast electron transport in warm dense plasmas
Dates : 02 May 2011 for 12 days
Grantee : Benjamin Vauzour (FR)
Host(s) : José Javier Honrubia (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Collective stopping power of the fast electron transport in warm dense plasmas
Dates : 01 May 2011 for 8 days
Grantee : Joao Jorge Santos (FR)
Host(s) : José Javier Honrubia (ES)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Study of laser produced plasmas and applications
Dates : 01 March 2011 for 4 weeks
Grantee : Dimitri Batani (IT)
Host(s) : Vladimir Tikhoncuk (FR)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Study of plasma sources using x-rays diagnostics
Dates : 10 December 2010 for 13 days
Grantee : Luca Antonelli (IT)
Host(s) : Jerzy Wolowski (PL)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Laser-plasma ion acceleration: experiments' interpretation and PIC simulations
Dates : 01 November 2010 for 15 days
Grantee : Andrea Sgattoni (IT)
Host(s) : Marco Borghesi (UK)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Laser Shock Peening of Aeronautical Structural Components
Dates : 04 October 2010 for 14 days
Grantee : Goran Ivetic (IT)
Host(s) : Miguel Morales (ES)
Scientific report :
Dates and location : 03 - 09 October 2010, Varenna (Italy)
Convened by : Dimitri Batani (IT)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Interaction of femto-second laser radiation with solid targets
Dates : 09 August 2010 for 5 weeks
Grantee : renato redaelli (IT)
Host(s) : Jiri Limpouch (CZ)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Frontiers of Plasma Physics - Analytic and Numerical Approaches in the Kinetic Description of Ultra-Intense Laser-Matter Interactions
Dates : 15 July 2010 for 13 days
Grantee : Piotr Andrzej Raczka (PL)
Host(s) : Joseph Niemela (IT)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Comparative study of fast electron transport in cone targets in high e low contrast conditions
Dates : 02 July 2010 for 4 weeks
Grantee : Alessio Morace (IT)
Host(s) : Harry McLean (US)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Study of complex interefrometry and laser-matter interaction
Dates : 08 June 2010 for 10 days
Grantee : Dimitri Batani (IT)
Host(s) : Milan Kalal (CZ)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Active Phase-Space Shaping of Laser-Plasma Driven Electron Beams
Dates : 31 May 2010 for 12 days
Grantee : Andreas Richard Maier (DE)
Host(s) : Sven Reiche (CH)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Attosecond pulse formation through high-order harmonic generation in gases: modeling and theoretical pulse characterization
Dates : 24 May 2010 for 3 weeks
Grantee : Katalin Kovacs (RO)
Host(s) : Katalin Varju (HU)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Complex Interferometry Diagnostics of Laser Produced Plasmas
Dates : 26 April 2010 for 5 days
Grantee : Milan Kalal (CZ)
Host(s) : Istvan Földes (HU)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Laser shocks in layered target: numerical analysis for experiments
Dates : 01 April 2010 for 4 weeks
Grantee : Abutrab Aliverdiev (RU)
Host(s) : Dimitri Batani (IT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Laser plasma advanced studies: application of ps pulses for plasma diagnostic by laser shadowgraphy and laser induced forward transfer
Dates : 07 March 2010 for 14 days
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Laser plasma advanced studies: application of ps pulses for plasma diagnostic by laser shadowgraphy and laser induced forward transfer
Dates : 07 March 2010 for 14 days
Scientific report :
[Workshop] Frontiers in Intense Laser Matter Interaction Theory
Dates and location : 01 - 03 March 2010, Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics / Garching
Convened by : Armin Scrinzi (DE)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Interaction of short-/ultrashort- laser radiation (nano-, pico-, femto- second time domain) with metal (Ti; Al; Inconel 600) targets
Dates : 01 March 2010 for 4 weeks
Grantee : MIlan Trtica (RS)
Host(s) : Dimitri Batani (IT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Numerical modelling of fast electron transport in a cylindrically laser compressed matter
Dates : 07 February 2010 for 15 days
Grantee : Frederic Perez (FR)
Host(s) : Javier HONRUBIA (ES)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Macroscopic generation of water window x-ray at long laser wavelengths
Dates : 01 February 2010 for 15 days
Grantee : Valer TOSA (RO)
Host(s) : Caterina VOZZI (IT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Investigation of phase transition of carbon in the Mbar regime
Dates : 14 December 2009 for 9 days
Grantee : Roberto Benocci (IT)
Host(s) : Keisuke Shigemori (JP)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Experiments on Isochoric Heating
Dates : 25 November 2009 for 11 days
Grantee : Yas Al-Hadeethi (IT)
Host(s) : Istvan B Foldes (HU)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Investigation of phase transition of carbon in the Mbar regime
Dates : 24 November 2009 for 9 days
Grantee : Paleari Stefano (IT)
Host(s) : Shigemori Keisuke (JP)
Scientific report :
[Exchange Grant] Transport ofIntense Laser-Produced electron Beams in Matter
Dates : 18 November 2009 for 5 weeks
Grantee : renato redaelli (IT)
Host(s) : Yutong Li (CN)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Surface dynamics and cratering mechanism due to interaction of pico-second laser pulse on solid target
Dates : 09 November 2009 for 6 days
Grantee : Jerzy Wolowski (PL)
Host(s) : Dimitri Batani (IT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Surface dynamics and cratering mechanism due to interaction of pico-second laser pulse on solid target
Dates : 09 November 2009 for 6 days
Grantee : Monika Kubkowska (PL)
Host(s) : Dimitri Batani (IT)
Scientific report :
[Workshop] 1st Porto Workshop on Sources of Super-intense and Ultrashort Laser Pulses
Dates and location : 26 - 28 October 2009, Porto, Portugal
Convened by : Helder Manuel Crespo (PT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Analysis of the plasma produced by 248 nm laser beam
Dates : 12 August 2009 for 10 days
Grantee : Chiara Liberatore (IT)
Host(s) : Milan Kalal (CZ)
Scientific report :
[School] atoms and Plasmas in super Intense laser fields
Dates and location : 10 - 17 July 2009, erice, Italy
Convened by : dimitri batani (IT)
Scientific report :
[Short Visit] Collaboration between CTU in Prague and Universita degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca
Dates : 22 June 2009 for 4 days
Grantee : Milan Kalal (CZ)
Host(s) : Dimitri Batani (IT)
Scientific report :