European Summer Research Institutes for the Comparative Study of Economic Organisation (ESRI)


This series of research summer instit

  1. develop a pan-European network of doctoral researchers conducting comparative studies of changing institutions, economic systems and economic performance
  2. reinforce and expand the existing network of research collaboration between scholars in Europe focusing on the connections between institutional and economic changes, forms of economic organisation and economic outcomes
  3. develop and refine methods for conducting systematic comparative social research in economic sociology across Europe
  4. develop an understanding of how significant differences in the nature of organisations, firms and markets have become institutionalised in Europe, are being reproduced and changed, and their consequences for regional and national economies, as a central contribution to the comparative study of forms of economic organisation in capitalist economies
  5. to analyse the connections between radical institutional transformation in the former state socialist societies and the development of different forms of capitalism
  6. to provide a means for integrated national Ph.D. programmes


Three years, 1999-2001.