Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 2 (QMSS 2)

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The need to ensure that European social scientists are working at the cutting-edge of quantitative methods is becoming increasingly important. In many countries there is concern over a shortage of younger social scientists with the necessary training and skills in quantitative methods.
The QMSS 2 network will provide a focal point for methodological innovation and advancement and ensure that we develop a new generation of European researchers able to use advanced quantitative methods across the social sciences. The programme represents a continuation of the very successful work carried out under Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences, led by Chris Skinner at the University of Southampton.
QMSS 2 will focus on five areas of critical importance in quantitative methods. It will bring together, through annual seminars, leading European experts with unprecedented expertise across a wide range of methods and discipline areas. Cutting-edge methods will be disseminated to the new generation of European researchers through theme-based summer schools. The seminars will provide a focal point where specialists from different disciplines and different countries will share their experience – not just amongst themselves but also with younger researchers. These seminars will provide both the vision and the framework for planning the summer schools designed to train young European researchers in specific methods. These activities will be supplemented by short visits between junior researchers to promote collaboration in developing joint research projects.


4 years, from April 2008 to September 2012.

This new RNP held its kick-off meeting on 3-4 April 2008 at the ESF Headquarters in Strasbourg, France.