Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences (QMSS)

Composition of Topic Teams

Topics teams have been established and are currently staffed:

Topic Team 1: Theory and Practice in the Analysis of Longitudinal Data

Professor Frans J. Willekens, Chair, Netherlands
Professor Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Germany
Professor Robert Erikson, Sweden
Professor Niels Haldrup, Denmark
Professor Geert Molenberghs, Belgium

Topic Team 2: The Collection and Analysis of Network Data

Dr. Diane Payne, Chair, Ireland
Professor Anuska Ferligoj, Slovenia
Professor Emmanuel Lazega, France
Professor Seppo Pöntinen, Finland
Professor Tom Snijders, Nethelands

Topic Team 3: Theory and Practice in the Analysis of Cross-National Cross-Sectional Data

Professor Angela Dale, Chair, United Kingdom
Professor Ján Buncák, Slovakia
Professor Henryk Domanski, Poland
Professor Jacques Hagenaars, Netherlands
Professor Ladislav Rabusic, Czech Republic

Topic Team 4: Design and Analysis of Intervention Studies

Dr. Colm Harmon, Chair, Ireland
Professor Leonidas Kyriakides, Cyprus
Professor Peter Schmidt, Germany
Dr. Barbara Sianesi, United Kingdom
Professor Louis-André Vallet, France

Topic Team 5: Measurement, Data Collection and Data Quality

Professor Dominique Joye, Chair, Switzerland
Professor Lars Lyberg, Sweden
Professor Peter Mohler, Germany
Dr. Willem Saris, Netherlands