
29. July 2008

Europe, Japan join forces to map out the future of intelligent robots

The field of robotics could be poised for a breakthrough, leading to a new generation of intelligent machines capable of taking on multiple tasks and moving out of the factory into the home and general workplace. The great success of robots so far has been in automating repetitive tasks in process... [more]

8. July 2008

Multitasking nanotechnology

Tiny electronically active chemicals can be made to form ordered layers on a surface, thanks to research supported by the European Science Foundation (ESF) through the EUROCORES programne SONS 2 (Self-Organised NanoStructures). These nanostructured layers may one day be used to build the... [more]

4. July 2008

A better image for plastic solar cells

EUROCORES’ SONS 2 Programme demonstrates new nanostructure measurements [more]

5. June 2008

Europe gets together to harness quantum physics

The long cherished goal of applying the strange properties of quantum mechanics to the macroscopic world we inhabit has been brought closer by a series of recent developments. The exciting progress was made in the important field of quantum optics and discussed recently at a high level conference... [more]

3. June 2008

Finding out what the big bang and ink jets have in common

ESF workshop tackles the mathematics of singularities [more]

23. May 2008

Search in the “quantum haystack” rewarded

Innsbruck Physicists of the EUROCORES Programme EuroQUAM achieve breakthrough with fermionic quantum gasses [more]

23. May 2008

Europeans unite to tap early universe for secrets of fundamental physics

Aim to produce new generation of astronomer that understands theory and observation [more]

30. April 2008

EUROCORES conference gives cold quantum matter a European twist

ESF’s EuroQUAM Programme holds Inauguration Conference [more]

24. April 2008

European light research opens door for optical storage and computing

The goal of replacing electronics with optics for processing data in computers is coming closer through cutting edge European research into the mysterious properties of “fast and slow” light. The long term aim is to boost processing speeds and data storage densities by several orders of magnitude... [more]

10. April 2008

Computation and experiment combine to unravel how genes are regulated and shed light on how cells become different

A closer alliance between computational and experimental researchers is needed to make progress towards one of biology’s most challenging goals, understanding how epigenetic marks contribute to regulation of gene expression. This emerged from a recent workshop organised by the European Science... [more]