
15. July 2008 14:06

Humanities and social sciences bridging the gap between theory and practice

Two international conference series in humanities, social and environmental sciences have been launched by the European Science Foundation in partnership with Bielefeld University and the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF)

The European Science Foundation (ESF), Bielefeld University and the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) have agreed to co-organise research conferences that will put humanities, social and environmental sciences to the task of addressing contemporary debates. Scientific knowledge and value, environmental crises and human migration will be at the core of the conference topics.

Two alternating series have been agreed for the six-year duration of the new partnership. The first series on ‘Science and Values’ will focus on the changing nature of science and its relationship with and role within society. These conferences will bridge the gap between academic discussion and public debate to envision ways of reconciling the innovative prospects of science with its much needed social accountability, credibility and utility.

The second series on ‘Environmental Degradation and Migration’ will consider the problematic relationship between human-induced and environmental degradation and forced migration. Topics will touch on the current controversies over poverty, mass migration, political and ethnic conflicts. The conference outcomes will include policy recommendations on how to better governmental approach and responses to these modern concerns.

These conferences will offer a unique opportunity for leading scientists and early-stage researchers to meet informally, establish new contacts and develop collaborative networks and follow up projects. Given the global and versatile character of the topics, conferences will be interdisciplinary and open to a range of participants, from scholars to policymakers, the media and the general public.  

For more information on the ESF-ZiF-Bielefeld Conferences, please click here.

Notes to Editor:

First ESF-ZiF-Bielefeld Conference

The ‘Science and Values’ series will start with a conference on ‘Science and Values: The Politicisation of Science’ to take place 25-30 May 2009 under the chairmanship of Prof. Martin Carrier (Bielefeld University, Germany) and Prof. Peter Weingart (Bielefeld University, Germany). Topics will concentrate on issues of scientific accountability, democratisation and objectivity. The conference will bring together experts in science studies, practicing researchers, relevant social groups and the media to discuss the effects that inserting science within political powerplay can have on its claims to neutrality and trustworthiness.

More information on the ‘Science and Values: The Politicisation of Science’ conference will soon be available on the ESF Conferences online calendar.

For more information on ESF Research Conferences, please click here.

For more information on Bielefeld University, please click here.

For more information on the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), please click here.

Media contact:

Ms. Ivanka AngelovaE-Mail