Preparing an Exploratory Workshop proposal
Awards will be up to a maximum value of 15 000 EUR.
The amount requested may be decreased by the ESF at the time of awarding.
Exploratory workshop awards are for events with a minimum of 15 and a maximum number of 30 participants (including speakers and convenors).
ESF funds are intended to cover the costs of workshop activities and travel, accommodation and subsistence for participants.
The preliminary budget in the proposal should provide a clear indication of the intended use of funds showing the breakdown of accommodation expenses, meals and estimated travel costs in relation to the number of participants, as well as other costs if appropriate and use of co-sponsoring if applicable.
A limited number of participants based outside countries with ESF membership may be included in the workshop where such involvement is essential on scientific grounds. In principle, their meeting expenses should be covered by sources other than the ESF. However, the ESF may take into consideration, when sufficiently justified, the partial or total funding of such participants (maximum 2-3) within the ESF budget.
No participant at an ESF exploratory workshop should be requested to pay a registration fee.
Honoraria will not be paid from ESF funds* and the organisers of and speakers at ESF exploratory workshops will not be remunerated.
(*inc. e.g. to professional meeting facilitators).
Costs for meeting room and equipment rental may be covered from ESF funding, within reasonable bounds. ESf funds cannot be used however to cover auxiliary meeting costs for simultaneous translation (with the exception of sign language interpretation), hospitality desk, courtesy gifts, floral arrangements, etc.
Local administrative costs (if any) charged to ESF must not exceed 10% of the total ESF award. Such costs include secretarial assistance, printing, photocopying, telephone, fax, email etc.
Publicity related expenses such as adverts, posters, etc. will not be covered by ESF since Exploratory Workshops are not open to the public and participants are, in principle, identified at proposal stage.
ESF funds must not be used for the purchase of equipment (hardware, etc.) or software.
Should support for publication be required, costs chargeable to ESF are limited to 10% of the award.
Isabelle May, Administrative Coordinator
ESF Exploratory Workshops
European Science Foundation
1 quai Lezay Marnésia
BP 90015
67080 Strasbourg Cedex
+33 (0)3 88 76 71 46