FL 07-001 'Investigator-Driven Clinical Trials'

Consensus Conference

Investigator-Driven Clinical Trials (IDCT)

Date: 29-30 September 2008

Venue: Maison de la Région Alsace, Strasbourg, France

Various categories of patient oriented research are necessary to develop academic knowledge into new diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic interventions, each associated with different risks. These include advanced therapy, proof-of-concept, first-in-man studies, impact measures and also post-marketing trials aimed to optimise treatment strategies and to assess the safety and the cost-effectiveness of new interventions through medico-economics studies.
In April 2007 ESF launched a Forward Look activity on 'Investigator-Driven Clinical Trials'. The overall objective of the Forward Look is to develop a strategy and make recommendations for stengthening public-sponsored and investigator-driven clinical trials to best address health needs in Europe in an international perspective.
The Forward Look was developped under the format of five strategic workshops that made the analysis of the current needs and problems faced by clinical investigators when initiating patient oriented research in Europe.

More at: www.esf.org/emrc/idct

Main Objectives of the Conference

The recommendations expressed to overcome these problems at the occasion of the five strategic workshops were challenged by a high level audience during the Consensus Conference organised under the French Presidency of the European Union.
The final report including the sustainability model to implement the recommendations is expected to be published in early 2009.

Conference Programme

We are honored that Professor Jürgen Schölmerich (Vice-President, DFG, Germany), Professor Roger Bouillon (FWO, Belgium) and Professor Håkan Billig (SRC, Sweden) have agreed to chair this conference.

To download the conference programme please click here.