The top recommendations to strengthen implementation of medical research in clinical practice are the following:
Strengthen European work, collaboration on, coordination in and funding of systematic reviews of existing evidence, comparative effectiveness research, health technology assessments and clinical practice guidelines.
Foster transparency and require evidence on comparative effectiveness and costs of drugs and other new technologies to demonstrate added value before approval.
Improve education and training of and career structure for health professionals.
When relevant, inform patients and the public about the prioritisation, funding, planning, conduct and reporting of clinical comparative effectiveness research and evidence-based medicine.
Support and facilitate methodologically sound high-quality clinicla research inspired by gaps and uncertainties identified in systematic reviews that answers the needs of patients, health professionals and society.
Promote rigorous reporting of all clinical studies.
Strengthen shared national and international open access databases on protocols, data, reports, systematic reviews and health technology assessment.
Generate, through multidisciplinary teams and with patient involvement, high-quality evidence-based clinical practice guidelines according to common standards and criteria.
Implement and improve guidelines in clinical practice through IT tools, audit and feedback, clinical indicators and continuous updates and strengthen the research evidence base for effective implementation strategies.
Increase use and implementation of high-quality health technology assessment reports and clinical guidelines in hospitals, primary care and all administrative processes including financing of treatment and technologies.