Musical Life in Europe 1600-1900

VI.B. Budget

Steering Committee Meeting
Necessary funds: 1 meeting per year FF 50 000


The workshops will cover empirical and theoretical problems related to the research programme. A workshop will be organised each year on each of the five themes, with a limited number of participants, about 18-20 (9 senior scientists and 5 junior scientists, plus invited experts).
Necessary funds: 5 workshops (20 participants) FF 124.000 = FF 620 000

Travel grants
Travel grants are required to allow members of the programme and juniors scientists to visit each other’s research centres, and also for short visits to libraries and to consult archives and documents.
Necessary funds: for each team an amount of FF 30.000 = FF 150 000

Funding for co-ordinating missions
Members of the Steering Committee will be responsible for liaison and co-ordination between the groups, and thus a special line of funding is required in order to allow them to take part in some workshops and to meet with team leaders. These missions will allow the Steering Committee to be more involved in the scientific activities of the programme.
Necessary funds: FF 30 000


Information and publicity
Each of the five groups will have at its disposal a small budget for the exchange and circulation of information on its activities. A newsletter will be published twice a year to provide regular information on the running of the programme. Funds will be available for participation in international colloquia, the placing of notices in specialist reviews, the publication of work in progress and final books.
Necessary funds (Newsletter, mailing, copying, publicity and provision): per year FF 50 000

Final conference
It is envisaged that in 2001, at the end of the programme, a conference should be organised in order to present the results of the five groups’ work. All the participants of the programme and a limited number of researchers, selected outside it on the basis of their abilities and scientific expertise, will make up the participants in this final conference. An annual allocation will be set aside to cover the costs of this conference.
Necessary funds: 1 conference (100 participants) @ annual provision: FF 50 000

Tabulation of Budget
It is envisaged that the proposed programme will run from 1998 to 2001 (four years), with an annual budget of FF 1 million.

French Francs (FF)

Steering Committee meeting 50,000
Workshops 620,000
Travel grants 150,000
Necessary travel for programme coordination 30,000
Information and publicity (including provision for publications) 50,000
Provision for Final conference 50,000
ESF management costs 50,000
Total annual budget FF 1,000,000