Musical Life in Europe 1600-1900

V. Participation in the project

Team Leaders:

  1. Reinhard Strohm University of Oxford

  2. Pierluigi Petrobelli Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani, Parma
  3. Franco Piperno Università di Firenze
  4. Hans-Erich B–deker MPI für Geschichte, Göttingen
  5. Patrice Veit CNRS Mission Historique Française en Allemagne,Göttingen
  6. Michael Werner CNRS - EHESS, Paris
  7. Rudolf Rasch University of Utrecht
  8. Michel Noiray CNRS, Paris
  9. B. Participants (as of August 1997)



Barbier, Fr. (3) CNRS – Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris
Beer, A. (4) Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
Bucciarelli, M. (1) University of London, King’s College
Burmeister, Kl. (4) Leipzig
Charlton, D. (3) University of East Anglia
Colas, D. (2) CNRS, Paris
De Brito, M. CA. (2) Universidad Nova de Lisboa
Devriés, A. (4) CNRS, Paris
Di Benedetto, R. (5) Università di Bologna
Dideriksen, G. (2) King’s College, London
Döhring, S. (2) Forschungsinstitut für Musiktheater der Universität Bayreuth
Dubowy, N. (1) Universität Regensburg
Edge, D. (2) University of Wales, Cardiff
Eigeldinger, J.-J (5) Université de Genève
Fend, M. (5) King’s College, London
Gérard, Y. (5) Conservatoire national supérieur de musique de Paris
Gerhard, A. (3) Universität Bern
Gronda, G. (1) Università di Udine (Italian literature)
Groth, R. (5) Musikhochschule Hannover
Herlin, D. (4) CNRS, Paris
Hortschansky, Kl. (3) Universität Münster
Jensen, N. M. (2) Musikvidenskabeliget Institut, University of Copenhagen
Marles, C. (1) Evanstown, IL
McGuinness, R. (4) London
McVeigh, S. (3) University of London
Porfiriewa, A. (2) Russian Institute of Art History, Music Department
Roche, D. (3) Université de Paris, Institut d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine (CNRS)
Schr–der, D. (1) Universität Hamburg
Seifert, H. Universität Wien
Sommer-Mathis, A. (1) Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Theatre Studies)
Vanhulst, H. (4) Bruxelles
Vicar, J. (2) Palacký University, Olomouc
Zórawska-Witkowsky, A. University of Warsaw


Interdisciplinary and international aspects: 

For this project it is regarded as mandatory to include historians, art historians, specialists on theatre studies, etc. (corresponding proposals have already in part been made). A general conference on the topic of ‘Travel’ is to be held featuring the greatest possible interdisciplinary participation. The programme seeks also individual or collective research projects, completed or currently in progress, and collaborations with other such initiatives dealing with the forms of social organisation of musical life in Europe. The central position of the musical object in Western culture and its links with the most diverse forms of society also clearly call for a multidisciplinary investigation to which not only economic and social historians will be invited, but also historians of the theatre and the visual arts as well as literary and linguistic historians. In addition, younger scholars are to be involved to the greatest extent possible (see below).

The European reference and the international character of our programme are provided by the team leaders and the members of the working groups. In addition, it is desirable to establish links with already existing research projects and thus expand the international aspect of the project even further (e.g., the Baltic Sea area as a musical landscape, a research programme of the Council of Scientific Academies of the Nordic Countries; Anna Tabaki, Centre for Neohellenic Research, Athens: Study of the reception of opera in the Greek cultural area in the 18th and 19th centuries; Slovenian Academy, Ljubljana: Joze Sivec und Jurij Snoj).