Musical Life in Europe 1600-1900

VI.A. Programme Organisation

The proposed programme will be organised around the five thematic groups outlined above. A mid-term conference (all workshops meeting in the same place and at the same time in the second year of the programme) and a final conference will help to draw the different aspects together, to formulate a set of conclusions and to identify elements contributing to an understanding of the contemporary situation.

The aim of the programme is to secure efficient formal co-operation between European scholars. There will be a core of 40 senior scientists, consisting in part of those who have participated in the preparatory workshops. In order to ensure broad participation in the programme, this proposal will be circulated widely to ESF Member Organisations in Autumn 1997. Scholars wishing to join the programme will be asked to send a statement of their particular research interest and commitment to work in one of the five theme groups. These will be considered by the team leaders and the Steering Committee in early 1998.

Junior scientists
Junior scientists will be involved in the programme by inviting them to participate in the annual workshops and by providing travel grants to visit research centres which co-operate in the programme. The participation of around 30 junior scientists is envisaged, including both pre- and post-doctoral students. The senior scientists involved in the programme will be invited to propose candidates. The selection will be made by the Steering Committee.

Steering Committee
A Steering Committee will be set up with members from the participating countries selected on the basis of their scientific expertise. The committee members should represent the various disciplines, fields and nationalities involved in the programme. It will be composed of the team leaders, of five members of the programme selected for their scientific expertise and their representation of their national community, of four advisory members nominated by the financing countries and the bodies of the ESF, and a representative of the Standing Committee for the Humanities. The Steering Committee will have overall responsibility for the programme’s management. It will meet at least once a year, probably in conjunction with one of the workshops.