Musical Life in Europe 1600-1900

IV.B. Publication plans

The results of the above programme are to be published in timely fashion.

Possible publications include, amo

  • a comprehensive list of sources for Italian opera in Central Europe (group 1);
  • a documentary volume offering a selection of the most important sources relating to the opera orchestra and a narrative volume in which the documents will be discussed, compared and used as a basis for a first attempt to write a history of the 19th-century European opera orchestra as part of the musical, social and aesthetic history of opera (group 2);
  • a volume or volumes on organisational forms and organisers of musical life, music and spaces, audiences: interaction and adaptations of music for concerts (group 3);
  • a research guide on European music publishing 1700 - 1850 and a volume on selected sub-themes, such as repertoire formation, aspects of the trade, relations between publishers and musical institutions, privileges, copyright protection, the composer and his publisher, the first complete editions (group 4);
  • and finally publications on Fétis (intermediate publication), on conservatoires and on national representations of music (group 5).