The EPICA Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) was formally established in October 1995. It was formed of national representatives (one per country), representatives of the two Logistic Operation Centres, the leaders of the Working Groups (Science Working Group, Finance Panel, Drilling Working Group), and the representatives of ESF and EU. The SSC was chaired by H Miller (2000-2006) and J Jouzel (1995-2000) and generally met once a year. An Executive Committee (ExCom), comprising the EPICA chair and Vice-chair, heads of the two Operation Centres and the leaders of the Working Groups, met as necessary between Steering Committee meetings.
Membership (as at 31.12.2006):
Professor Heinz Miller
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
Dr. Jean Jouzel
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, CEA-CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, France
Dr. Hans Brelen
European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Dr. Antonino Cucinotta (OC1)
ENEA Progetto Antartide, Bologna, Italy
Dr. Hartwig Gernandt (OC2)
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
Dr. Margareta Hansson
Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, University of Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Elisabeth Isaksson (from October 2004)
Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromso, Norway
Dr. Gérard Jugie (OC1)
Institut Français pour la Recherche et la Technologie Polaires (IFRTP), Plouzané, France
Professor Valter Maggi
Environmental Science Dept. (DISAT), University of Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Dr. Hans Oerter
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
Dr. Dominique Raynaud
Laboratoire de Glaciologie et de Géophysique de l’Environnement, St. Martin d’Hères, France
Dr. Jean-Jacques Reyser (finance panel)
Institut Français pour la Recherche, Plouzané, France
Professor Roland Souchez
Département des Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Dr. Joergen Peder Steffensen
Department of Geophysics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Professor Thomas Stocker (from April 2003)
Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bern, Switzerland
Dr. Jakob Schwander (Drilling Group) (from April 2003)
Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bern, Switzerland
Dr. Michiel van den Broecke (from April 2003)
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Dr. Eric Wolff (Science Group)
British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Members of the EPICA Steering Committee stepping down during 2003/2004
Professor Giuseppe Orombelli (Co-Vice Chair) (to August 2003)
Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e del Territorio, Università di Milano, Italy
Professor Johannes Oerlemans (to April 2003)
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Professor Bernhard Stauffer (Science Group) (to April 2003)
Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bern, Switzerland
Dr. Mario Zucchelli (OC1) (to October 2003 - obituary Go to Website)
ENEA, CRE Casaccia, S. Maria di Galeria (RM), Italy
Dr. Jan Gunnar Winther (to October 2004)
Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromso, Norway