Theoretical Biology of Adaptation (TBA)

More about the Programme

The main goal of the TBA Programme is to foster a creative collaboration between, on the one hand, theoretically inclined biologists from different fields, and, on the other hand, between such biologists and mathematicians. The programme´s expected achievements are:

  • to permeate all fields of biology with a firm theoretical basis, not only in order to bridge the gap between data and theory but also
  • to bridge the conceptual gap between different levels of biological organization;
  • to train young scientists in the field of biology to freely move between theory and data;
  • to enhance the synthesis of biological thought and
  • to explore and enhance the possible application of theoretical biology outside the discipline, e.g. in other sciences as well as industry and technology.


The TBA Programme ended in December 2001.

News/Current Status

The TBA Programme ended in December 2001.  There will therefore be no further calls for:

  • applications for travel grants
  • proposals for workshops and schools