Tall TOwer and surface Research Network for verification of Climate relevant emissions of Human origin in Europe (TTORCH)


Eligibility, funding, application and selection procedure are in accordance with the guidelines set out by the ESF, of which the main points are given below.


The TTORCH Steering Committee will consider proposals for workshops on topics within the scope of the Programme and with a European or international dimension. They will be assessed on their scientific quality and relevance to the Programme. Priority will be given to meetings taking place in countries that financially support the Programme, and the applicants should be established scientists/researchers based in a country in which the ESF has a Member Organisation or from any other country in which a contributing organisation is based.


The amount of funding awarded for a meeting will be decided by the Steering Committee based on aims of the TTORCH programme and its budget. Funding is primarily aimed at covering travel and accommodation of participants, who are expected not to pay registration fees. The workshop should be non-profit making and local administrative costs should be kept at a minimum (not more than 10% of ESF funding). Organisers are encouraged to seek additional funding, provided additional sponsors comply with ESF guidelines and regulations.
Priority should be given to participants from countries that financially support the TTORCH programme, but the organisers should also ensure a balanced geographical representation among the participants. Only up to 10% of ESF funding can be used for speakers from non-ESF member countries.

Application procedure

Applications for Science Meetings should be submitted online at least 3 months before the planned starting date of the event.
Please make sure to include the following in your application:

•Scientific Summary (max. 1000 words) and Abstract (max. 50-70 words)
•Meeting Programme
•Curriculum Vitae of Scientific Organiser including list of five most relevant publications during the last five years
•Provisional list of proposed speakers/participants


Review and further procedure

The Steering Committee will decide on funding, taking into account

•the relevance of the workshop theme to the aims and scope of TTORCH
•the novelty or innovative character of the workshop theme
•the interdisciplinarity of the workshop theme and participants
•the involvement of early-career scientists
•the scientific quality of the applicants, taking their career level into consideration

If the application is successful, the organiser will receive instructions on how to complete the acceptance form and on reporting procedures, including online submission of the full list of participants. Upon receipt of the acceptance form, the ESF makes an advance payment (normally 80% of the allocated grant, two months before the meeting).

The final bank transfer will be made upon receipt at the ESF, online, of the financial report, of the scientific report and the final list of all meeting participants within two months of the meeting. If the actual expenditure is lower than the advance payment, the unspent funds must be returned to the ESF.

By accepting funding, the applicants agree to:

•transfer copyright of the report to TTORCH and allow it to publish it on its website and any other publications or reports
•clearly identify the meeting as an ESF and TTORCH-funded activity in announcements, abstract programmes, etc.
•acknowledge the financial support by the TTORCH Research Networking Programme in any publications that may result from the workshop