Tall TOwer and surface Research Network for verification of Climate relevant emissions of Human origin in Europe (TTORCH)


TTorch Research Networking Programme invites applications for Short Visits (up to 15 days) and Exchange Grants (up to 6 months), from one European country to another. The purpose of these visits funded by the TTorch programme is to encourage networking between scientists with a focus on observations and modeling of non-CO2 greenhouse gases and related tracers.
For more information about TTorch please visit the TTorch external web site.

Applications for the following topics are especially encouraged:

  •  measurement techniques for atmospheric non-CO2 greenhouse gases and related tracers

  • quality and traceability of atmospheric measurements 

  • interpretation of measurement data

  • inverse atmospheric transport modeling

  • estimation of fluxes

  • detection of trends in concentrations and emissions

Eligibility, funding, application and selection procedure are in accordance with the guidelines set out by the ESF

Application Procedure

The deadlines for submission of applications are 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December each year.

If you wish to apply for support for a visit of 15 days or less, please use the Short Visit application form .

If you wish to apply for support for a visit of more than 15 days and up to 6 months please use the Exchange Grant application form.

Applicants should be prepared to complete online:

  • details of their own institute and of their host’s institute (address, contact details)
  • the title of their planned project
  • planned starting date of visit and duration
  • estimated travel costs (maximum 500 EUR).

Applicants will also need to have ready to upload a document (.pdf or .doc format, not exceeding 5MB) with the following information:

For Short Visits

  • A short description (approx. 250 words) of the proposed project work and the aim of the visit
  • A curriculum vitae of two A4 pages

For Exchange Grants

  • A short description (approx. 1000 words) of the proposed project work and the aim of the visit, indicating the scientific motivation and justification, the relevance to TTorch themes, planned time schedule, and expected results or benefits of the proposed project
  • A curriculum vitae of two A4 pages
  • List of five most recent publications
  • A letter of recommendation from someone familiar with the applicant’s work
  • A letter of acceptance from the host at the receiving institute

Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Please note that you may encounter problems with the online application form if you are using Netscape as a browser. If this happens, please change to Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. You will also need to enable your computer to accept cookies while completing the form.


Evaluation of applications

The evaluation of applications will be coordinated by the TTorch Scientific Steering Committee. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Undertake work applicable to TTorch
  2. Apply to stay in a European country other than the country of origin
  3. Return to the institute of origin upon termination, so that the applicant’s institute may also benefit from the broadened knowledge of the visiting scientist.
  4. The scientific quality of the project and its relevance for achieving TTorch aims
  5. The CV of the applicant and the scientific quality of the hosting group
    Young scientists are particularly encouraged to apply. Scientists from Eastern Europe and non-EU countries are also encouraged to apply.

Young scientists are particularly encouraged to apply. Scientists from Eastern Europe and non-EU countries are also encouraged to apply.

Level of support

ESF Exchange Grants are supported with a weekly subsistence allowance of 400 EUR plus actual travel expenses up to a maximum of 500 EUR. Travel will be refunded on the basis of actual costs and on the basis of APEX-type airfares and 2nd class train travel.

ESF Short Visit Grants are reimbursed on a per diem basis of 85 EUR plus actual travel expenses up to a maximum of 500 EUR.
The grants do not cover insurance, taxes or retirement scheme contributions.
A first payment of 80 per cent of the allowance will normally be made in advance of the visit. Final payment of the grant is subject to the submission of a final scientific report, original travel tickets and a signed host statement form(s), and to approval of the report by the TTorch Steering Committee.

Reports should normally be submitted within one month of completion of the visit.

Acknowledgement of support

Grantees must acknowledge the support of the ESF TTorch Research Networking Programme in publications resulting from their work in relation to Short Visit or Exchange Grants.